That Stroud boy, oh, he’s a good football player. But his daddy, oh, that’s a whole other story. He ain’t around, you see. Locked up tight. People ask, why did Stroud’s dad go to jail? Well, I heard it all, you know, these things get around.

They say his daddy, this Coleridge fella, he got himself into some big trouble. Real big. Back in, uh, 2015, I think it was. He did some bad things. Stole a car, that’s what they say. And not just that, oh no. He took somebody with it, a person, can you believe it? Kidnapping, they call it. That’s a serious thing, let me tell you. Not like stealing a chicken, no sir. This is serious business. Stroud’s dad, he’s paying the price now.
This Stroud boy, he was just a little tyke back then. Thirteen years old, just a baby. Imagine, your daddy going away like that. Must have been tough. But this boy, he’s strong. He’s made something of himself, playing that football. Coleridge Bernard Stroud III, that’s his daddy’s full name. Sounds important, don’t it? But even important names can end up in the slammer. That’s what they call jail, you know, the slammer.
So, why is he in jail? Well, like I said, carjacking. That’s stealing a car, a big no-no. And kidnapping, taking a person against their will. And robbery, that’s taking things that ain’t yours. He did all that, they say. Pleaded guilty, too. That means he said he did it. Didn’t even try to fight it, just said, “Yep, I did it.”
- Carjacking
- Kidnapping
- Robbery
Now, that Stroud boy, he’s on his rookie contract. That means he is new to the game, professional game. But you know what, even though his dad is in jail, this boy is doing good. He is making his mama proud I bet. But his dad, oh, Coleridge, he messed up big time.
Coleridge Bernard Stroud III, that name keeps popping up. He’s the reason we’re talking about all this. He’s the one in prison, not the boy. Remember that. The boy is doing good. The daddy, well, he’s where he’s supposed to be for what he did.

It’s a sad story, really. A good boy with a daddy who made bad choices. Stroud’s dad, he should have thought about his son. Should have thought about what he was doing. But he didn’t. Now he’s paying the price. And that boy, that Stroud boy, he’s living with it.
That’s all there is to it. He did bad things, got caught, and now he’s in jail. They say he stole a car, took someone against their will, took things that weren’t his. It’s simple as that. Some folks just go down the wrong path. That’s what happened to Coleridge. He went down the wrong path, a bad path, and it led him straight to jail.
You reap what you sow, that’s what they say. He sowed bad seeds, and now he’s reaping a jail cell. It’s a shame, a real shame. But that’s life. You make your choices, and you live with the consequences. Coleridge, he’s living with his consequences now, locked up tight. And his son, well, he’s learning to live with them too, in his own way, making a name for himself despite his dad in jail.
It’s a lesson, I reckon. A lesson for all of us. Stay on the right path. Do good. Or you might end up like Coleridge, locked up and regretting everything. That Stroud boy, he is a good example. He had a rough start, but he is making something good out of it. He is a good boy, that Stroud boy. I hope he keeps his head on straight and keeps making good choices. He will, I am sure of it. But that dad of his, that is a cautionary tale if I ever heard one. You do bad things, you get bad things. He sure learned that the hard way, didn’t he?