This fella, Scott Corbin, he’s somethin’ else, I tell ya. He’s from Palm Springs, California, that much I know. Born on December 26, 1989. He got famous from the internet.

He did videos, them YouTube things, with his wife, well, ex-wife now. They called it Steps to Wander. They did all them travel videos. Lots of folks watched ’em, I reckon.
Scott Corbin on YouTube
That Scott Corbin, he was all over that YouTube. Him and Kelsey, that was her name. They’d go places, show folks around. It’s a whole different world out there than what I’m used to, I can tell ya that much. He did a lot of them vlogging things, talkin’ to the camera, showin’ off where he was at. Now he got famous because of this. He is a YouTuber. He is an American.
Folks like watchin’ that kinda stuff, I guess. Young people, mostly. They got all them fancy cameras and whatnot. Me, I just got my old telephone. Don’t need nothin’ fancy like that.
- Born in Palm Springs, California.
- He made videos on YouTube.
- He made videos with his ex-wife Kelsey.
- Their videos were about travel.
- They called their channel “Steps to Wander”.
Scott Corbin’s Life
Now, Scott Corbin, he ain’t with that Kelsey no more. They split up, I heard. That happens, I reckon. People go their separate ways. Don’t know what he’s doin’ now, exactly, but I bet he’s still makin’ them videos. Once you get a taste of that internet fame, it’s hard to let go, I suppose.
He’s got a birthday comin’ up soon, right after Christmas. Always thought that was a tough time for a birthday. Everyone’s all tired out from the holidays. He was born in 1989, makes him, let’s see… well, he ain’t no spring chicken no more, that’s for sure.

This Scott Corbin, he’s probably got lots of folks followin’ him on the internet. They got them things, profiles they call ’em. You can see what he’s up to, what he’s eatin’, where he’s goin’. It’s a whole different world, I tell ya.
More About Scott Corbin
I seen some folks sayin’ he’s been in some movies or TV shows. Don’t know nothin’ about that, myself. Don’t watch much TV these days. Just listen to the radio mostly. But I guess he’s done a few things besides them YouTube videos. He is an American YouTuber from Palm Springs, California. I reckon that’s somethin’. You gotta give the boy credit, he’s made somethin’ of himself. More than I can say for some folks ’round here.
Some fellas even say this Scott Corbin is workin’ for the government now. Somethin’ about emergency management in Kent County. Big job, I suppose. Lots of responsibility. He’s a vice president, I hear. Don’t know what that means, exactly, but it sounds important. Probably wears a suit and tie every day. Not like the clothes I’m used to seein’.
Well, that’s all I know about that Scott Corbin fella. He’s a busy one, that’s for sure. Always on the go, makin’ videos, doin’ who knows what else. It’s a fast-paced life he’s livin’. Not like the life I’m used to, but hey, to each their own, I always say. To each their own.
Seems like this Scott Corbin has done a lot in his life. He made videos. He was on TV. Now he’s got some big fancy job. He is from Palm Springs, California. That’s a long way from here. I wonder if he misses it. The warm weather and all that. I wouldn’t know. Never been further than the next town over, myself. But it’s nice to think about, I reckon. A whole different world out there. A whole different world.

Scott Corbin Now
He’s probably got a nice house, I bet. And a fancy car. All them things that come with being famous on the internet. Not that I need any of that stuff. I’m happy with what I got. Got my little house, got my garden, got my stories. That’s enough for me. More than enough. I heard that the Scott Corbin is working on emergency management things. That’s important job, you know. But I still don’t know what it is. They say he is a vice president. I don’t know much about this. Maybe he is still doing some videos. I don’t know.
But this Scott Corbin, he’s a reminder that there’s a whole big world out there. Lots of different people, doin’ all sorts of different things. It’s interestin’ to think about, even if it’s not the life I’d choose for myself. He’s livin’ his life, and I’m livin’ mine. And that’s just the way it is, I reckon. The way it’s supposed to be.
He surely is a busy body. Always something new. Me? I like my routine. Wake up, tend to the garden, maybe visit with the neighbors. Simple life. But hey, that Scott Corbin, he’s alright. He works hard. He’s a YouTuber, that’s for sure. Hope he’s happy, that’s all I can say. Hope he’s happy with his life, his videos, and whatever else he’s got goin’ on. He is American, that I know for sure.