Okay, so today I messed around with this “Ken Dietrich” thing. I’d heard some buzz, so I figured, why not? Let’s see what this is all about.

Diving In
First, I searched for it online, just to get a basic idea. Typed it into the search bar, hit enter, and boom – a bunch of stuff popped up. I skimmed through a few of the top results, just trying to get the gist.
Next, I started to really dig in. I wanted to know how this thing works. I looked for some kind of basic tutorial, or maybe someone else who had tried it out.
I’m trying to look for more information to learn.
After that, I have completed a quick browse of the relevant information available, and probably in the future, I can find out exactly how to make it happen.

So yeah, that’s my “Ken Dietrich” adventure for the *’s possible that I get it to work.