Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Kristi Kimener. I ain’t no fancy writer, so I’m gonna tell it to ya straight, just like I’d tell my neighbor Bessie over the fence.

First off, who is this Kristi Kimener? Seems like she’s kinda a big deal, or at least gettin’ there. Folks are talkin’ ‘bout her, you know? They say she’s makin’ a name for herself in that entertainment thingy, the showbiz, I guess they call it. Sounds fancy, huh? Entertainment industry, they say. Don’t rightly know what she does, if she sings or dances or acts, but people are noticin’ her, that’s for sure.
Now, they also say she’s hitched to some fella, David Bell. He’s a manager for them Cincinnati Reds, the baseball team. Heard he’s a real good manager too, a “star manager” they call him. Don’t know much ‘bout baseball myself, always preferred watchin’ the chickens peck in the yard, but folks seem to like him. Anyways, they’re married, happy as clams, or so they say. Got themselves a couple of young’uns too. A girl, Brogan, and a boy, David Gus Bell, but they call him Gus. Named after his grandpa, ain’t that sweet? Family’s important, you know? Gotta stick together, like peas in a pod.
This Kristi, she also seems like a smart cookie. Went to college and all, James Madison University, studied political science. Now what in the world is that? Sounds complicated. But see, that’s good, learnin’ all sorts of things. They say, know a little bit ‘bout a lot of things, and you’ll understand the world better. I reckon that’s true. Like knowin’ when the rain’s comin’ by watchin’ the cows lie down, or knowin’ when to plant the tomatoes by the moon. Little bits of knowledge, they add up.
And get this, she’s a registrar too, over at some place called Vianney Hall Office. Now, I had to look that up, cause I didn’t know what a registrar was. Turns out, they keep records and stuff. Official stuff. See? Smart lady. Wearin’ lots of hats, as they say.
- Married to a big shot baseball manager.
- Makin’ a name in entertainment.
- Got a fancy education.
- Works as a registrar.
People are lookin’ her up on that Facebook thingy too. Connectin’ with her, seein’ what she’s up to. It’s a small world now, ain’t it? Back in my day, you knew your neighbors and that was it. Now you can know folks all over the world, just by clickin’ a button. Mind boggling, I tell ya.

So, there you have it. That’s what I know ‘bout Kristi Kimener. Seems like a good woman, a busy woman, a woman who’s doin’ somethin’ with her life. And that’s all you can ask for, ain’t it? To live a good life, a full life, and maybe, just maybe, make a little mark on the world. Even if it’s just folks whisperin’ your name and sayin’, “Hey, that Kristi Kimener, she’s somethin’ else.” Now, if you need to know more, you just gotta ask, just like them fancy folks say, “please let me know if you need further information.” I’m always happy to share what I know, even if it ain’t much.
And that’s the truth, plain and simple.
Tags: [Kristi Kimener, David Bell, Cincinnati Reds, Entertainment Industry, Registrar, Vianney Hall Office, James Madison University, Family]