Alright, let me tell you about this little project I cooked up recently. I’m a huge NFL fan, always have been. Every year, like clockwork, I find myself trying to guess how the season’s gonna play out. Who’s making the playoffs? Who’s getting the top draft pick? Usually, it’s just gut feeling, maybe scribbling some notes down.

But this time, I thought, why not try and build something? A little simulator. Nothing too fancy, just something to run through the season schedule and spit out potential records. Sounded like a fun way to combine my football obsession with a bit of coding practice.
Getting Started
First things first, I needed the schedule. That was easy enough, just grabbed the full list of games, week by week, team matchups, the whole nine yards. Typed it all into a simple data structure my program could read. That took a bit, gotta admit, lots of matchups to enter.
Then, the tricky part: how to predict a winner for each game? I didn’t want anything super complex, no deep dives into player stats or injury reports. That’d be a whole other beast. I decided to keep it simple.
- Team Strength: I gave each team a basic power rating. Just a number. Higher number means a better team, in theory. I sort of eyeballed these based on last season, offseason moves, and just general feel.
- Home Field: Gave a little bump to the home team’s rating. Everyone knows playing at home is an advantage, right?
- Randomness: Football’s weird. Upsets happen. So, I added a bit of randomness. Even if one team had a higher rating, the underdog still had a chance, just a smaller one. Used a random number generator for this part.
Putting it Together
Once I had the schedule and a way to pick a winner (even a basic way), I wrote the code to loop through the entire season. It went something like this:
- Take Week 1 games.
- For each game, look at the two teams’ ratings (adjusting for home field).
- Use the random element to declare a winner and loser based on those ratings.
- Update each team’s win/loss record.
- Repeat for Week 2, Week 3… all the way to the end of the season.
It was pretty straightforward, really. Just making the computer play out the games one by one according to my simple rules.

Running and Tweaking
The first time I ran it, the results were… interesting. Some records looked plausible, others seemed way off. That’s the thing with randomness, you get weird outcomes sometimes. And my initial ratings were probably not great.
So, I started tweaking. Adjusted some team ratings. Changed how much home-field advantage mattered. Played with the randomness factor. I also realized running it just once wasn’t enough. Because of the random element, each run could give different results. I made it run the simulation many times – like thousands of times – and then averaged the results to get a more stable prediction for each team’s final record.
Example: After running it 10,000 times, if a team averaged 10.3 wins, I’d list their predicted record as something like 10-7.
What I Ended Up With
So now, I have this little program. I feed it the schedule, my current team ratings, and it simulates the season thousands of times in a few seconds. It spits out a list of predicted final records for every team.
Is it going to be perfectly accurate? Heck no. It’s super basic. It doesn’t know about injuries, QB controversies, mid-season trades, or anything like that. But, it’s fun! It gives a rough idea, a baseline maybe. And honestly, building it was the best part. Took me back to just tinkering and making something work, step by step.

It’s definitely a cool little tool to play around with as the season gets closer. Makes for some interesting coffee break conversations, comparing its predictions to what the “experts” say. A fun weekend project, all in all.