Alright, so I wanted to go back and smack that Grafted Scion in Elden Ring. You know, the one that probably wrecked most of us at the very beginning? Yeah, that guy. I wanted a rematch, pure and simple. So I did some digging and here’s what I went through:

First, I remembered that I had died to him, that was the tutorial afterall.
Then I started poking around the Four Belfries. It’s this area with, well, four belfries. Each one has a portal, but you need these special keys called “Imbued Sword Keys” to activate them.
I had to find one of those Imbued Sword Keys. Found some info saying you need a key to return.
Finding the Right Belfry:
- I checked each of the belfries, looking at the messages in front of each portal.
- Finally, I located the right one. It’s the second one. When facing them, from left to right, one, two.
Used Imbued Sword Key.

The Rematch
Boom, I was back at the Chapel of Anticipation. No cutscene this time, though. I walked my character forward, and was able to go forward to challenge the Grafted Scion.
This time my character defeated him, easy peasy. I felt good.
So, yeah, that’s how I went back to the starting area and got my revenge on the Grafted Scion. It was pretty satisfying to finally beat that thing. Hope this helps someone else get their payback!