Okay, so I was messing around with the NYT crossword today, and I got totally stumped by this clue: “Viking group.” I stared at it for like, five minutes, totally blank. Vikings? Groups? What could it be?

First, I tried to think of actual Viking groups. Like, you know, raiding parties? But that didn’t seem to fit. I thought maybe it was some historical term I didn’t know, something fancy. Nope, nothing came to mind.
Then, I started looking at the letters I already had filled in. Let me see… it was a five-letter word, and I think I had an ‘N’ in the middle. So, _ N _ _ _. Still nothing! My brain was just not cooperating.
The “Aha!” Moment
Finally, I decided to just put it aside and work on other parts of the puzzle. I figured maybe solving some other clues would jog my memory. And, what do you know, it actually worked!
I filled in a few more words, and suddenly, it hit me. “Viking group” wasn’t about history at all! It was a trick! It was about the Minnesota Vikings, the football team!
- The clue was playing on the word “group” as in a team.
- So with the letter and team member limit, finally I got it.
Once I realized, the answer, “NORSE,” seems so obvious. But hey, that’s the fun of crosswords, right? They always get you thinking in different ways!