Alright, alright, let’s talk about this Bernard fella in that Baldur’s Gate 3 game. My grandkids keep yappin’ about it, so I figured I’d try and make some sense of it for ya.

Now, this Bernard, he’s some kind of metal man, a robot you might say, livin’ in a big ol’ tower in a place called the Underdark. Sounds spooky, right? Like one of them caves down by the creek, only a whole lot bigger and probably crawlin’ with… well, never you mind what it’s crawlin’ with.
So, you go stompin’ into his tower, and there he is, big as you please. And he starts askin’ you questions, like he’s some kinda quiz master or somethin’. Don’t you go givin’ him any lip, though! This ain’t no time for sass. You gotta answer him just right, or he’ll get all riled up and try to smack you silly.
- First thing’s first, you gotta find yourself a book, see? It’s called “The Roads to Darkness” and it’s lyin’ around somewhere in that tower, on the third floor, in the bedroom they say.
- Now, I ain’t much of a reader myself, but you gotta squint at that book and find a particular line. It goes somethin’ like, “Or art thou friend, a rescue from my lonely wake?”. Sounds like somethin’ from one of them fancy poems my daughter used to read, all flowery and whatnot.
When Bernard starts jabberin’ at ya, that’s the line you gotta throw back at him. Yep, just say it right back to him, word for word: “Or art thou friend, a rescue from my lonely wake?”. It’s like a secret password, see? Like when you whisper the password to get into the back room of the saloon for a bit of… never mind that. Just say the darn words!
If you get it right, Bernard, he’ll calm right down. He’ll be all friendly-like, and you’ll even get some of them XP points. My grandkids tell me those are important for makin’ your character stronger in the game, like eatin’ your spinach makes you strong enough to chop wood. Who knew staring at a screen could make you stronger, not like workin’ in the fields all day.
But if you mess it up, oh boy, you’re in for a world of hurt. Bernard will start swingin’, and he’s made of metal, remember? Hard to hurt somethin’ like that. You gotta use all them fancy spells and tricks your character has, or maybe even try to shove him off the tower. That’d teach him a lesson!

Now, some folks say you can even get a hug from this Bernard fella, after you answer him right. A hug from a robot! Can you imagine that? It’s like huggin’ a stove, only without the burnin’ part, I hope. My grandkids, they say it’s a good thing. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, like a kitten cuddlin’ up on your lap.
So, let’s recap, shall we? Bernard, big metal man, Underdark tower. Gotta find the book, “The Roads to Darkness”. Gotta say the magic words: “Or art thou friend, a rescue from my lonely wake?”. Get it right, you get XP and maybe a hug. Get it wrong, you get a beatdown. Simple as that.
Now, I don’t know why you’d wanna be huggin’ a robot, but to each their own, I guess. Just remember what I told ya, and you’ll do just fine. And if you see any of them goblins or mind flayers down there in the Underdark, you just give ’em a good swift kick in the… well, you know where. That’ll teach ‘em to mess with you.
And that’s all there is to it. This Baldur’s Gate thing sounds complicated, but it’s really just about talkin’ right and knowin’ where to look. Just like life, I suppose. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go chase them chickens out of the garden. They’re more trouble than any robot, I tell ya!
So there you have it, Bernard bg3 answers, plain and simple, just like I like it. No fancy words, no confusing stuff. Just the facts, ma’am, just the facts.

And remember, read that book, find those words, and you’ll be just fine. Now go on, get outta here, and have fun with your video games. But don’t stay up too late, mind you! Gotta get your rest, or you’ll be too tired to do your chores in the morning.