Well, well, well, look what we have here. This new-fangled thing, the NCAA 25, or whatever they call it. My grandson, he’s all excited about it. Keeps going on and on about pre-ordering. I said, “Pre-order? What in tarnation is that?” Back in my day, we just waited till things came out, then we went and got ’em. Simple as that. But these young’uns, they like to do things all backwards, I reckon.

So, this NCAA 25, it’s some kind of football game, I guess. College football. I remember my late husband used to watch those games. He’d yell at the TV like those players could hear him! Good times. This game, though, it’s played on them electric boxes. Play-Station, or something like that. And X-Box. Too many boxes if you ask me.
Now, my grandson, he wants to pre-order this thing. He says it ends soon. When does this pre order for ncaa 25 end? I don’t know, I tried look it up on the google machine, but it’s all so confusing. So I asked him, I said, “When’s this pre-order thing end for that football game?” He said, “Grandma, it’s complicated.” Complicated my foot! It should be simple. You want the game, you buy it when it’s out.
He said if you pre-order, you get to play it early. July 16th, I think he said. Three days earlier, before the 19th. That’s when everyone else gets it. He says it’s like getting a head start. A head start on what? Sitting on your behind and playing a game? I told him he should be outside, getting some fresh air, helping me in the garden. But he just rolled his eyes. Kids these days. They also say that you can pre-order it on July 17, 2024. I don’t know, it’s all too confusing.
- July 16th, early access.
- July 19th, regular folks get it.
- July 17th, pre order start.
He also mentioned something about points. “College Football Points,” he called them. 4600 of ’em, if you get the fancy version. The “Deluxe Edition.” Sounds like a waste of money to me. What are you gonna do with points in a game? Back in my day, we played games with real things. Marbles, jacks, hopscotch. We didn’t need no fancy points.
I swear, these game makers, they come up with all sorts of ways to get your money. Pre-orders, deluxe editions, points. It’s all a big racket, if you ask me. And the price! Don’t even get me started on the price. My grandson says it’s worth it. He says this NCAA 25 is the best football game ever. I think he said 2.2 million people already played it. So many people!

Anyway, if you’re like my grandson, and you gotta have this game right now, I guess you better hurry up and pre-order it. Before it ends, this pre order for ncaa 25. I don’t know the exact date, and honestly, I don’t care. I just hope he doesn’t spend all his money on it. He should be saving up for something important. Like a new tractor. Or a good pair of work boots.
This whole thing is a mystery to me. But I guess it makes the young’uns happy. And that’s all that matters, right? Still, I think they should spend more time outside. Get their hands dirty. Like we used to do. But what do I know? I’m just an old lady who doesn’t understand these new-fangled games and this when does pre order end for ncaa 25.
If you ask me, they should just wait till the game comes out, like we did in the old days. But nobody asks me anymore. They’re all too busy staring at their screens. Playing their games. And pre-ordering them, I suppose. As long as they don’t forget about their old grandma, I guess that’s all right.
Just make sure you find out when does pre order end for ncaa 25 before it’s too late, I reckon. That’s what my grandson keeps saying. “Gotta pre-order, Grandma! Gotta pre-order!” He’s a good boy, though. Just a little too caught up in this NCAA 25 and its pre-order.
Well, I’ve said my piece. I’m going to go have a cup of tea and watch the birds. Much more interesting than them electric boxes, if you ask me. They have this thing called preloading, you can play it 48 hours before the real release, my grandson said. These young people, they sure are full of surprises, these days. This NCAA 25 sounds like a big deal to them.