Getting Started with the Logo Idea
So, I found myself needing a logo for this thing we were calling the ‘cousin hub’. Basically, just a little online spot for all the cousins to share news, pictures, you know, family stuff. Nothing too serious, but it felt like it needed some kind of visual identity, something to stick on it.

First thing I did was just sit and think. What’s the vibe? It’s family, it’s connection, it should feel welcoming, maybe a bit fun but not childish. Definitely not corporate or anything slick like that. Just something simple and clear that says ‘cousins hanging out’.
Sketching and Rough Ideas
I grabbed a pencil and my old sketchbook. Started doodling. My first thoughts went straight to combining the letters ‘C’ and ‘H’. Tried a few ways:
- Stacking them
- Interlocking them
- Putting one inside the other
Some looked okay, others were just plain ugly. I also played around with house shapes, or maybe connecting dots, trying to represent the ‘hub’ idea and people connecting. Filled a couple of pages with really rough squiggles. Most weren’t going anywhere, but a couple felt like they had potential. It’s always like this, lots of bad ideas before a decent one pops up.
Moving to the Computer
Okay, picked one or two sketches that didn’t make me cringe. Fired up my computer and opened up some basic design software I use sometimes. Nothing fancy. Started trying to make those rough sketches look a bit cleaner digitally.
I focused on a simple concept: using the letters ‘C’ and ‘H’ in a straightforward way, maybe linked somehow. Tried different shapes to contain them or interact with them. Circles seemed too generic. Squares felt a bit harsh. Eventually, I leaned towards just the letters, perhaps styled nicely.

Font and Color Choices
Finding the right font took a while. Went through a bunch. Some were too thin, some too thick, some looked like they belonged on a wedding invitation. Needed something sturdy but friendly. Settled on a sans-serif font that felt pretty clean and readable.
Then, colors. Didn’t want anything too loud. Thought about warm colors, like oranges or reds, suggesting family warmth. Also considered blues or greens, maybe for connection or growth. Played around with a few combinations. Decided on a slightly muted, warm orange paired with a deep, sort of trustworthy blue. Felt like a good balance.
Putting it all Together and Finishing Up
Started assembling the pieces. Positioned the ‘C’ and ‘H’. Tried making them overlap slightly. Adjusted the kerning (the space between letters) until it looked right to my eye. Put the chosen colors in place.
Stepped back and looked at it. Tweaked the alignment a bit here, adjusted the color shade slightly there. Showed a draft to one of my cousins, just a quick “Hey, what do you think of this?”. Got a nod, which was good enough for me. It wasn’t meant to win any design awards.
The final result is pretty simple. It’s basically the letters ‘C’ and ‘H’ styled in those colors I picked. Clean, clear, does the job for our little family hub. Feels good to have that sorted. It gives our little corner of the web a bit more personality.