Well, well, well, look what we got here! John Cena net worth 2023 Forbes, you say? That boy, John Cena, he’s done alright for himself, ain’t he? I seen him on the TV, wrasslin’ and such. He’s a big fella, that’s for sure. Now, they’re saying he’s got a whole heap of money in 2023. Forbes, that’s some fancy magazine, I reckon. They know ’bout money, those folks.

So, this John Cena, they say he’s got $80 million. Eighty million! Lord have mercy, that’s more money than I ever seen in my whole life. What’s a body gonna do with all that money? I can’t hardly imagine. $80 million in 2023, and they say it is still $80 million in 2024. He must be savin’ it up, good for him. That’s what I always say, save your pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.
He’s a big shot now, that John Cena. Wrasslin’ and makin’ movies, and Lord knows what else. He must be doing somethin right to have $80 million. That is what Forbes say. I remember when he was just startin’ out, all full of piss and vinegar. Now look at him, a big movie star. And I guess he’s one of them most famous wrestlers, you know, the ones that throw each other around and pretend to be all mad. And people pay good money to watch that, imagine!
- John Cena
- Net Worth
- $80 Million
- Forbes
- 2023
- 2024
- Wrestler
- Movies
And this other fella, Vince McMahon, they say he’s got even more! Billions! Can you believe that? He’s the big boss of that wrasslin’ thing, I reckon. He is the richest icon. They say he is worth $2.5 billion now. That’s a lot of zeros. He must be swimmin’ in money. I reckon he could buy anything he wanted. And there are others on that list, too. Like, The Rock, and Stephanie. It looks like the rich get richer, doesn’t it? This Vince has 57% of the stock. No wonder he is the richest of all.
But this here John Cena net worth, that’s what we’re talkin’ ’bout. $80 million. He probably don’t even know what to do with it all. I bet he’s got a big house, and a fancy car, maybe even a airplane. And he probably eats steak every night. Steak! I ain’t had a good steak in years. I remember when a dollar could get you a whole meal. Now, it barely gets you a cup of coffee.
They say he makes a lot of money from them movies, too. I heard he get $2 million for one movie. Two million for one movie! Imagine that, pretendin’ to be someone else, and gettin’ paid that much. It just don’t seem right, does it? But that’s the way of the world, I guess. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. That’s what my old mama used to say. But that John, he works hard, I give him that. You gotta work hard to get that kind of money.

And that Brock fella, they say he makes $5 million. Just for wrasslin’. Five million! He is the highest-paid wrestler now. It ain’t right, I tell ya. But who am I to say what’s right and wrong? I’m just sayin’, that’s a lot of money for throwin’ people around.
But still, John Cena, $80 million. John Cena net worth 2023 Forbes, that’s the big news. He’s come a long way, that boy. From wrasslin’ in them little arenas to bein’ a big movie star, and havin’ more money than he knows what to do with. $80 million in 2023, and still $80 million in 2024, according to Forbes. Good for him, I say. Good for him.
I hope he’s bein’ smart with it. Savin’ some for a rainy day. You never know when hard times might come. Even for a big shot like him. Well, I reckon that’s all I got to say ’bout that. Just remember, money ain’t everything. But it sure does help, don’t it? Especially when you got $80 million of it.