Alright, alright, let me tell ya ’bout this Jirah Mayweather, you know, that young’un from the Mayweather bunch. Folks keep jabberin’ ’bout her, so I figured I’d piece together what I heard. Don’t expect no fancy words from me, I just tell it like it is.

Now, her daddy, that Floyd fella, he’s a big deal boxer, they say. One of the best ever, or somethin’ like that. Folks call him a “legend,” whatever that means. He’s got all this money and fame, livin’ in a big ol’ house, I reckon. Heard tell he’s one of the best pound-for-pound boxers ever. That’s what they say, anyhow.
Jirah, she’s one of his kids, along with Zion and Koraun. Their mama, Josie Harris, well, she and Floyd, they didn’t always get along, from what I gather. Lot of ups and downs, like a bumpy road, ya know? But they had them kids, and Jirah, she’s the youngest daughter.
- Jirah’s got siblings, Zion and Koraun.
- Her parents are Floyd Mayweather and Josie Harris.
- Sounds like their relationship wasn’t always smooth sailin’.
This Jirah girl, she’s not punchin’ folks in the face like her daddy, though. She’s all about that internet stuff, them YouTubes and TikToks. Got a whole bunch of folks followin’ her, like hundreds of thousands or somethin’. She’s a rising star on YouTube and TikTok. Kids these days, always starin’ at them screens, I tell ya. But I guess that’s how they do things now.
She’s got hundreds of thousands of followers. I don’t really understand what these kids post on there, all these short little videos and whatnot. But apparently, a lot of people like it, so good for her, I guess.
Now, Zion, that’s Jirah’s brother, he went to regular school, not some fancy private place. Floyd, he wanted him to see how the real world works, not just the rich folks’ world. Smart thinkin’, if you ask me. And Zion, he’s tryin’ to start his own businesses, makin’ his own way. Good for him, I say. Earning a honest living is important, no matter who your daddy is.
Zion went to public school to experience the real world, instead of those fancy private schools. And after he finished school, he started trying to start businesses. He’s trying to be an entrepreneur, they call it.
So, Jirah, she’s got this famous daddy, this boxer fella, and she’s makin’ a name for herself on the internet. She’s young, got a lot of life ahead of her. Who knows what she’ll do? Maybe she’ll be a big star, maybe she’ll just be a regular person. Either way, it’s her life, ain’t it? She’ll figure it out.
It seems like Jirah is doing her own thing, not relying on her daddy’s fame. She’s trying to make her own way, which is good. It’s important to be your own person, not just live in someone else’s shadow. That’s what I always say, anyway.
So that’s the gist of it, as far as I can tell. Jirah Mayweather, daughter of a famous boxer, makin’ her way in the world. Nothin’ too complicated, just a young’un tryin’ to figure things out, like we all do at some point. And that’s all I gotta say about that.
Tags: [Jirah Mayweather, Floyd Mayweather, Zion Mayweather, Josie Harris, Boxing, YouTube, TikTok, Family, Entrepreneur]