Alright, let’s talk about getting Milady set up. People keep asking me, “What’s the absolute best build for her?” and honestly, it kinda makes me chuckle. Like there’s just one magic answer.

When I first got her in my squad, man, I struggled. Tried making her this super beefy frontline thing because, I dunno, seemed like the easy way? Total disaster. She just melted. Wasted a ton of resources, felt like banging my head against a wall. Kinda like that time I tried to assemble IKEA furniture without looking at the instructions, convinced I knew better. Yeah, that ended well too.
Took me a while, a lot of swapping gear in and out, respeccing probably more times than I wanna admit. But then it clicked. She’s not meant to soak up hits like a main tank. She’s slippery, meant to dance around and hit hard when the enemy ain’t looking.
My Go-To Gear Setup
So, this is what I finally landed on after all that messing around:
- Weapon: Something fast. Daggers, mostly. Attack speed is king for her, lets her proc effects more often. Forget those big slow clunkers.
- Armor: Light armor, stuff that boosts agility or dodge. Heavy stuff just slows her down, makes her an easy target. You want her hard to hit.
- Accessories: Anything boosting critical chance or critical damage. Get those numbers popping. Maybe something with a bit of status effect chance, like poison or bleed, depending on the weapon.
Key Skills I Focus On
Skill-wise, I lean heavily into mobility and damage spikes.
- Dash/Teleport moves: Gotta have ways to get in and out quick.
- High single-target damage skills: Perfect for bursting down priority targets.
- Maybe one decent AoE clear: Just for handling annoying little mobs, but it’s not her main job.
- Passives boosting speed or crit: Anything that makes her faster and deadlier.
Playing this way feels way better. She zips around the battlefield, chunking down health bars before they even know what hit ’em. Sure, she’s still a bit squishy if she gets cornered, but that’s the point. You gotta be smart, pick your moments. It’s more active, more fun, honestly.

So yeah, is this the absolute best build? Maybe not for everyone. Depends on your playstyle, the rest of your team. But it’s the one that worked for me after a lot of trial and error. Don’t just copy it blindly. Take the ideas, mess around yourself. That’s half the fun, right? Figuring out what clicks for you.