Okay, so I was chillin’ on the couch the other day, flipping through channels, and I landed on some sports show. They were talking about the New England Patriots, and the owner, Robert Kraft, popped up on the screen. A random thought hit me: “Is Robert Kraft Jewish?” I had no clue, but I was suddenly super curious.

So, I grabbed my phone and started my investigation. The easiest way is to search the web.
The Search Begins
First, I opened the Google search engine.
I typed in “is robert kraft jewish” in the search bar. I instantly pressed “Enter.”
Then, Lots of stuff popped up, but I wanted something clear and quick.
The investigation continued
- I looked at all the article headlines from the search page.
I felt like I had a pretty solid answer to my random question. It’s actually interesting to learn these little tidbits about people you see on TV all the time. It reminds you that everyone has a background and a story!