Okay, so I saw this wild headline today: “Ben Simmons Retires.” I was like, “No way, seriously?!” I had to dig into this because it just seemed so sudden.

First, I jumped on my go-to sports news sites, you know, the usuals. Nothing concrete. Lots of rumors, speculation, and “unnamed sources” kind of stuff. It was all very, very vague, not the solid reporting I wanted.
Then, I checked Twitter. That place is a total mess of information, but sometimes you find a nugget of truth, right? I scrolled through endless tweets – fans freaking out, some people saying it was fake news, others sharing old highlights of Simmons. Still, nothing definitive.
Then I went to some basketball forums, where real die-hard fans usually are. They were all discuss about the topic.

I spent a good hour, maybe more, just going down this rabbit hole. I read articles, watched some video clips of analysts talking, and even checked Simmons’ own social media (which, of course, was totally silent on the matter).
My Conclusion (For Now!)
After all that digging, honestly, I don’t think he’s actually retired. My gut feeling, after all that research, is that it is fake * feels like a bunch of rumors got blown out of proportion. It is just a rumor mill churning. There may have been discussions, or maybe some offhand comment taken out of context, and BAM! – instant viral story.
I’ll definitely keep an eye on this, though. If anything actually official comes out, I’ll update. But for now, I’m calling this one “highly unlikely.” It’s the internet, folks – gotta be careful what you believe!