Alright, listen up, y’all. Let’s jaw about this Tampa Bucs coach, or whatever they call him. Folks keep jabberin’ about him, so I figured I’d put in my two cents, even if it ain’t worth a plugged nickel.

Now, they got this fella, Todd Bowles, head coach, big cheese, whatever. He took over from that other guy, Bruce somebody. Heard he was alright, that Bruce. Won some fancy bowl thing. But now it’s Bowles’ turn, and let me tell ya, folks ’round here, they got their eyes on him like a hawk on a field mouse.
This Bowles fella, they say he’s been around the block. Worked with other teams, I reckon. Los Angeles Rams, New York… Heard he even brought some of his buddies with him to Tampa. Guess he likes havin’ folks he knows ’round, can’t say I blame him. Always good to have trusted folks watchin’ your back, just like when you’re plantin’ corn, need good help to make sure it grows right.
- They say he’s a defensive kinda guy. Likes his fellas tough, stoppin’ the other team from runnin’ all over the place. Reminds me of my old rooster, protectin’ the henhouse. Nothin’ gettin’ past him, and that’s what you want, right?
- And speakin’ of runnin’, they got this other coach, Coen somethin’. He’s the offense guy, the one who figures out how to get that ol’ pigskin down the field. They hired him this year, so he’s still kinda new, gotta see if he’s worth his salt.
This season, they had a good game ‘gainst the New York Giants. Won by a whole heap, 30 to 7, I heard. Bowles, he was happy. Said his boys concentrated, ran the ball good, and put pressure on the other team. That’s what he said, anyway. Sounded like a proud pappy talkin’ ’bout his youngins.
They got another coach, Kacy Rodgers. He’s the line coach, works with the fellas who do the grunt work, pushin’ and shovin’ up front. Been there a while, six years they say. Guess he knows what he’s doin’, or they woulda sent him packin’ by now. Football’s like farmin’, you keep the ones who work hard and know their stuff.
Bowles, he’s been coachin’ for a good long while, even before he became the head coach. They say he’s helped some of the players get to the Pro Bowl. That’s some fancy all-star game, I think. Like gettin’ the blue ribbon at the county fair for your prize-winning pumpkin. Means you’re one of the best.

Now, this team, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, they been around since ’76. That’s a long time, even for an old gal like me. They had their ups and downs, like anythin’ in life. Some years they good, some years they ain’t worth a lick. But folks ’round here, they love ’em, win or lose. They’re our team, ya know? Like family, gotta stick with ’em through thick and thin.
So, this Bowles fella, he’s got big shoes to fill. Gotta keep the fans happy, gotta win some games. It ain’t easy, bein’ a coach. Got a whole lot of pressure on ya, everyone lookin’ at ya, judgin’ ya. It’s like tryin’ to raise a passel of kids; you do your best, but sometimes they just run wild. But hey, that’s life, ain’t it?
I reckon we’ll just have to wait and see how he does. Give him a chance, that’s what I say. Can’t judge a book by its cover, or a coach by his first few games. Time will tell, folks, time will tell. And if he does good, well then, we’ll all be cheerin’ him on. And if he don’t, well, there’s always next year. That’s the way it is with football, and with life, I reckon.
So there ya have it, my take on this Tampa Bucs coach. Probably more than you wanted to know, but hey, I ain’t had nothin’ better to do than sit here and jaw with ya. Hope it made some sense, even if I ain’t got the fancy words them city folks use. Just plain talk from a plain ol’ gal, that’s all.
Tags:[Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Todd Bowles, NFL, Coach, Football, Team, Sports, Kacy Rodgers, Coen, Offense, Defense]