Okay, so today I wanted to mess around with something fun in URF, and you know what popped into my head? Fizz. That slippery little fish is a nightmare to deal with, especially when he can spam his abilities like crazy in this mode. So, I locked him in and got ready to annoy the heck out of the enemy team.

First thing I did was figure out my game plan. In URF, cooldowns are practically non-existent, so I knew I wanted to max out his E, Playful / Trickster, first. That ability is his bread and butter, letting him dodge stuff and deal a ton of damage at the same time. I started the game by grabbing a Doran’s Ring and a couple of potions, just to stay in lane a bit longer.
The laning phase was hilarious. I was constantly poking the enemy with my Q, Urchin Strike, and then immediately hopping away with E before they could retaliate. If they tried to chase me, I’d just turn around and smack them with my W, Seastone Trident. Rinse and repeat. I felt like a total pest, and I loved it.
- Level 1-3: Poke with Q, use E to dodge and harass.
- Level 4-6: Keep up the pressure, look for all-in opportunities if the enemy gets low.
- Level 6+: It’s shark time, baby! Land that ult and go to town.
Once I hit level 6, things got even more ridiculous. My ultimate, Chum the Waters, was up almost every minute. I’d just toss it out whenever it was off cooldown, either to start a fight or to zone the enemy away from objectives. If that shark hit, it was pretty much a guaranteed kill. I’d follow up with Q, activate W, and then hop around with E, making sure to land on them for that sweet, sweet magic damage.
For items, I rushed a Lich Bane. The extra damage it gives after using an ability is insane on Fizz, especially since I was spamming them constantly. Then I grabbed a Zhonya’s Hourglass, because sometimes you just need that invulnerability to make even crazier plays. After that, it was all about stacking up that ability power. Rabadon’s Deathcap? Heck yeah! Void Staff? Absolutely. I even considered a Hextech Protobelt for the dash. More mobility is always a plus in URF.
Mid Game Mayhem
By mid-game, I was a terror. I’d roam to other lanes, throw my shark, get a kill, and then disappear back into the fog of war before the enemy team could react. I was practically unkillable, dodging everything they threw at me with my E and turning their aggression against them. It was beautiful chaos.

Late Game Domination
Late game was just a victory lap. I was so strong at that point that I could practically 1v5 the enemy team. I’d dive into the middle of a fight, delete their carries, and then hop out with my E, leaving them confused and demoralized. We pushed down their towers, took their inhibitors, and eventually smashed their Nexus. Easy game.
Playing Fizz in URF is an absolute blast. You get to be that annoying assassin that everyone hates, but you have so much fun doing it. You get to be a slippery fish on a whole new level. The enemy team can barely touch you. If you’re looking for a fun champion to try out in URF, give Fizz a shot. You won’t regret it. Unless you are on the enemy team, maybe.