Alright, let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout this gray zone crime, ya hear? It ain’t worth a hill of beans, not one bit. They say it’s all fancy and sneaky, not black and white, but let me tell ya, it’s all just plain wrong. Crime doesn’t pay, no matter how ya slice it.

I seen folks try to get rich quick, cuttin’ corners, doin’ things in that there “gray zone.” Thinkin’ they’re smart, outsmartin’ the law, outsmartin’ everyone. But lemme tell ya, it always catches up to ya. Always. Like that fella down the road, sellin’ them… whatchamacallits… yeah, “midnight sapphires.” Said they was special, worth a whole lot. Turns out, they was just shiny rocks he dug up in his backyard. Folks got mad, real mad. He ended up in jail, lost everything. See? Crime Doesn’t Pay, I told ya!
- Stealin’ ain’t right.
- Cheatin’ ain’t right.
- Lyin’ ain’t right.
Don’t matter if it’s a little lie or a big one, a small cheat or a big one, it’s all the same. It’s like that story ’bout the soldier, the one they tortured… yeah, that one. He thought he was doin’ somethin’ clever, somethin’ in the gray, but look what happened to him. Pain and misery, that’s what. And them folks that tortured him, they ain’t no better. They thought they could get away with it, hidin’ in the shadows, but they got caught too. Justice, that’s what it is. Slow sometimes, but it comes.
And don’t even get me started on them fancy folks with their golf clubs and big houses. Think they’re above the law, livin’ in their own little world. But I tell ya, even they ain’t safe from the consequences. Maybe they ain’t stealin’ chickens like some folks, but they doin’ their own kind of wrong, hidin’ money, cheatin’ on taxes… all that fancy stuff. But it’s the same thing, just dressed up in fancy clothes. And sooner or later, it all comes crashin’ down. Gray zone crime ain’t no different than any other crime. It’s all rotten to the core.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ I’m perfect. We all make mistakes, that’s life. But there’s a big difference between a mistake and deliberately doin’ wrong. And that gray zone, that’s just an excuse for doin’ wrong. People try to justify it, say it ain’t so bad, but it is. It eats away at ya, like a cancer. It destroys ya from the inside out.
So, listen to this old woman, ya hear? Stay away from that gray zone. It ain’t worth it. Work hard, be honest, treat folks right. That’s the only way to live a good life. Don’t try to take shortcuts, don’t try to be clever. Just do what’s right, even when it’s hard. Because in the end, that’s all that matters. And remember, crime doesn’t pay, not now, not ever.

And them steps they talk about, followin’ steps to complete somethin’ sooner… Well, if them steps involve doin’ wrong, forget about it. There ain’t no shortcuts to a good life. You gotta earn it, fair and square. You gotta look yourself in the mirror every day and know you did right. That’s more important than any amount of money or fancy things.
So, stay on the straight and narrow, ya hear? Keep your nose clean, and your conscience clear. And don’t let nobody tell ya otherwise. Gray zone crime is just a fancy name for plain old wrong, and it will always, always catch up to ya.
Tags: [Crime Doesn’t Pay, Gray Zone, Honesty, Justice, Consequences, Midnight Sapphire, Soldier, Wrongdoing, Shortcuts, Truth]