Well, let me tell ya, this Ken Walker fella, he writes some real head-scratchin’ stuff, this “fantasy” stuff, they call it. Don’t know much about it myself, but folks seem to like it, all this wizards and whatnot. Kids these days, always got their noses in books, not like when I was young, out in the fields from sunup to sundown.

So, what’s all this fantasy stuff about anyway? From what I gather, it’s all about things that ain’t real, ya know? Like magic, and dragons, and folks flyin’ around. Makes no sense to me, but hey, if it keeps ya entertained, I ain’t complainin’. Better than gettin’ into trouble, I guess. It’s like that time old man Fitzwilliam swore he saw a gremlin in his barn. We all laughed, but maybe he was readin’ too much of this fantasy stuff.
They say there’s all kinds of fantasy books, like that girl, Sarah J. Maas, always winnin’ awards for her books. People love them books, talkin’ ’bout them all the time. Can’t say I understand the fuss, myself. I prefer a good ol’ newspaper, tellin’ ya what’s happenin’ in the real world. But these young’uns, they eat this stuff up. Must be somethin’ to it, I suppose.
- Wizards, they say, are a big thing in fantasy. Folks with long beards and pointy hats, makin’ things disappear and reappear. Hogwash, if you ask me.
- And werewolves! Imagine that, people turnin’ into wolves when the moon is full. Sounds like a load of trouble to me. Like that time the neighbor’s dog got loose and chased all the chickens. Chaos, I tell ya, pure chaos.
- And then there’s these underground happenings, like weird caves and such. Reminds me of the time my Billy fell into that old well when he was a boy. Scared the life outta me, he did. Thankfully, he was fine, just a bit muddy.
This Ken Walker, I hear he’s one of the best at writin’ this stuff. Puts together words real nice, they tell me. Makes you see things in your head, even if they ain’t real. Like that time I saw a picture of them fancy pyramids in Egypt. Never been there myself, but the picture was so clear, felt like I was standin’ right there. That’s the kind of thing they talk about when they talk about good fantasy books, I think. It’s got to have good characters, and good stories, and make you think about things in a different way. They say a good fantasy story, it makes ya feel things, ya know? Like you’re right there with them wizards and werewolves, fightin’ dragons or whatever it is they do. Don’t ask me how it works, it just does, they say. They use things called “themes” in them, to bring big ideas to people.
I reckon fantasy books are popular because they let people escape, you know? Life ain’t always easy, especially not in these times. Sometimes it’s nice to just forget about your troubles and wander off into a world where anything is possible. Where magic is real, and heroes always win. Like when I was a girl, and I’d dream of bein’ a princess, livin’ in a big castle. Silly dreams, but they made me happy.
So, if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ different, somethin’ to take your mind off things, maybe give this Ken Walker fella a try. Or that Sarah J. Maas, if that’s your cup of tea. Can’t hurt, I guess. Just don’t go expectin’ it to make sense. It’s fantasy, after all, not the real world. Goodreads Choice Awards gave that lady three awards. If you like magic and wolves and stuff, you might like it. Just remember to come back to reality eventually. Someone’s gotta milk the cows and feed the chickens, fantasy or not.

And from what I hear, folks are always talkin’ about finding the “best” fantasy books. Like there’s some kind of contest. They make lists and everything, arguin’ over which book is better than the other. Sounds like a whole lotta fuss over nothin’ to me, but hey, people like what they like. Just like my sister always insisted on putting extra sugar in her tea, even though it tasted like syrup. To each their own, I always say.
They got these websites, like that “Goodreads” one, where people talk about books all day long. Givin’ ’em stars and writin’ reviews. Can you believe it? Spendin’ all that time talkin’ about make-believe. I guess it’s better than gossipin’ about the neighbors, though. And they look at statistics too, whatever that means. Sounds complicated to me.
So, there you have it, my two cents on this whole fantasy business. Don’t know much, but I know what I know. And if folks like readin’ about wizards and werewolves, well, good for them. Just as long as they don’t start expectin’ me to believe it. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got chores to do. This fantasy ain’t gonna write itself, and neither is my grocery list.