Okay, so, I had this idea to make a list of, like, the most outrageous team names I could think of. You know, the kind that makes you do a double-take. I started by just jotting down whatever came to mind, no filter. Let me tell you, my brain went to some weird places.

I started with a simple brainstorming session. Just me, my laptop, and a big cup of coffee. I typed out every single name that popped into my head, no matter how crazy or inappropriate. I was laughing out loud at some of the stuff I came up with. My wife poked her head into my home office several times to ask if I was okay.
Here’s how I went about it:
- Brain Dump: First, I just let the ideas flow. I didn’t judge, didn’t edit. Just wrote everything down. It sounds dumb but I really think this is the most important part. You gotta let the dumb ideas out so the good ones can shine.
- Categorize: Then, I started grouping similar names together. I had categories like “Silly Puns,” “Double Entendres,” and “Just Plain Wrong.” This is where it got really fun. Some of these puns were… rough.
- Refine: After that, I went through each category and picked out the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it) names. I tried to choose the ones that were the most shocking, hilarious, or just plain weird. I was aiming for maximum impact here.
- Test Drive: Finally, I shared a few of the names with my buddies to see their reactions. Let’s just say, there was a lot of groaning and laughter. Some of them even came up with their own suggestions, which I gladly added to the list. We spent a good hour on Discord just shouting out names.
It was a wild ride, but I ended up with a pretty epic list of dirty team names. It’s the kind of list you’d want to keep hidden from your boss, but share with your closest work friends for a good laugh. Some people might say I have too much time on my hands, but I had a blast doing it. This was way more fun than browsing social media.
I think you should give it a shot. Gather up your friends or coworkers, or just do it by yourself, and see what kind of craziness you can come up with. Trust me, it’s a great way to kill some time, or just blow off some steam after a long day at the office. You might even surprise yourself with what kind of names you come up with.