Okay, so I wanted to figure out how much Devin Harris, that basketball player, is worth. It’s something I’ve been curious about for a while, so I finally decided to dig in.

First, I just did a basic search. You know, just typed “Devin Harris net worth” into the search bar to see what popped up. I got a bunch of different websites, some I recognized, some I didn’t. I always get a little skeptical of those random sites that have a million numbers flashing.
So, I looked for the bigger names, the ones that usually have decent info on celebrities and athletes. I figured those would be a little more trustworthy, even if it’s still just an estimate.
I scrolled through a few of those articles. I noticed that most of them gave a range, rather than a specific number. That makes sense, I guess. It’s probably hard to know exactly how much someone has in the bank, plus all their investments and stuff.
I also found the net worth reported by these websites is not always accurate. It is hard to fully accurately report, because some asset information is difficult to obtain
After checking across multiple resources. I confirmed the net worth of Devin Harris reported by these websites.