Okay, so the other day I was trying to mess around in Cyberpunk 2077, and I found myself needing to wait for a certain time of day to start a mission. I was like, “How the heck do I do that?” It took me a bit of digging around, but I finally figured it out and thought I’d share my little adventure here.

First off, I started by pressing random buttons to see if I could find a wait option, right? I tried the usual suspects—’I’ on the keyboard, the view button on my Xbox controller, even the touchpad on my PS controller—nothing! It wasn’t like those other games where you just sit down somewhere and a “wait” prompt pops up.
Then, I noticed something in the bottom left corner of the screen—the time of day. I’m like, “Hmmm, maybe there’s something to this?” It turns out there was. Next to the time, there was this “Skip Time” option. I clicked it, and bingo, a menu popped up allowing me to choose how long I wanted to wait. I selected the time I needed, hit confirm, and boom, time flew by just like that.
I also read somewhere that if you take too long to complete a mission, you might lose a character. Not just any character, but a recurring one! So, I made sure to manage my time wisely. It’s kind of cool that they put that in there, but also kind of stressful. I mean, most of the time, Cyberpunk doesn’t really have timed quests, but when it does, it really means it.
Later, I was messing around with some different settings and found out that you can also press the ‘F’ key to wait. I guess that’s the default key. It’s pretty neat, like a shortcut. You press ‘F’, and you get a bunch of different wait times to choose from. I tried it out, and it worked like a charm. It’s a bit easier than going through the menu, especially if you’re in a hurry.
So, yeah, that’s how I figured out how to wait in Cyberpunk 2077. It was a bit of a process, but I got there in the end. Hopefully, this little story helps someone else out there who might be stuck in the same situation. It’s always fun to figure these things out and share the knowledge, right?

Here’s a quick rundown of what I did:
- Tried pressing different buttons to find a wait option.
- Noticed the time of day in the bottom left corner.
- Found the “Skip Time” option next to the time.
- Selected the desired wait time and confirmed.
- Learned that pressing ‘F’ is a shortcut for waiting.
- Choose the wait time from the list provided when pressing ‘F’.
That’s all there is to it! Happy gaming, folks!