That Conor McGregor, he sure likes his drink! He’s got that Proper No. Twelve, you see. Named it after where he’s from, some place called Crumlin, Dublin 12. Sounds fancy, don’t it? He’s always going on about it, that Proper 12 whiskey. Says it’s a good Irish whiskey.

He’s a fighter, that Conor. Big shot. You see him on the TV, all muscles and tattoos. And he drinks. Yep, he sure does. Drinks that Conor McGregor alcohol. I seen him, after a big fight he had, drinking it right there on the TV! They was talking to him, and there he was, with his drink. This one fella, some big shot I reckon, he says he drinks wine every night, and that Conor, he drinks too. It’s that Proper 12.
They say this Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey is for everyone. Even folks like me who ain’t fancy. They say it’s easy to drink. Maybe it is, maybe it ain’t. I don’t know nothin’ about whiskey, to be honest. But that Conor, he sure does sell a lot of it. They got it in all them big stores, you know, like that Supervalu. Everyone’s buying it up!
He came out with it, that whiskey, like a bull in a china shop. Just like he is in them fights. All loud and showy. But that’s just Conor, I reckon. He likes to make a splash. And folks like to drink his whiskey. Or apple whiskey. What is that, apple whiskey? Is that a real thing? I guess it is, cause he made it.
- Conor McGregor, he’s a fighter.
- He’s got that whiskey, Proper No. Twelve.
- Named it after where he’s from.
- He drinks it, that Conor McGregor alcohol.
- They sell it everywhere.
- Even got that apple one now.
Now, I heard some folks sayin’ it ain’t the best whiskey. They say they had better. But what do they know? They ain’t Conor McGregor, are they? He made a bunch of money sellin’ that stuff. And they said that it’s probably not gonna hurt his money none if he does or don’t. He’s got plenty, I reckon. From all that fightin’ and that Conor McGregor alcohol. He’s a big shot. Probably don’t even need the money from that whiskey, but he likes it. Likes the taste, I suppose.
He’s proud of it, that whiskey. Says it’s about where he’s from. About being loyal and working hard. That’s what he says, anyway. He talks a lot, that Conor. But he’s a good fighter. And he’s got that whiskey. Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey. It’s all over the place. You can’t miss it.

I seen it in the store the other day, right there on the shelf. Big bottle. His picture’s on it, lookin’ all tough. Makes you wanna buy it, I guess. That’s what they want, ain’t it? For you to buy it. And drink it. Like Conor.
They say that one fella, a reporter I guess, gave it a review. Said he was gonna be honest about it. About that Conor McGregor alcohol. I wonder what he said. Probably that it was good. Or not. I don’t know. I don’t read them things.
But that Conor, he sure does love his whiskey. You can tell. He’s always talkin’ about it. And drinkin’ it. Even after them fights. He’s got a lot of fans, you know. And they all want to drink like him. That’s why he made that whiskey, I reckon. So everyone can drink like Conor McGregor. And have a little piece of where he’s from.
I don’t know if I’ll ever try it. That Proper No. Twelve. Maybe I will, maybe I won’t. But I know one thing, that Conor McGregor, he sure knows how to sell things. He’s a fighter, and a salesman. And he sure does love his Conor McGregor alcohol.
He got that apple whiskey now, too. Proper No. Twelve Irish Apple, they call it. Sounds strange to me. Apple and whiskey. But what do I know? I ain’t no fancy drinker. I just know what I see. And I see that Conor McGregor, he’s everywhere. And so is his whiskey.