Well, let me tell you somethin’ about this fella, Conor McGregor. Folks are talkin’ ’bout him goin’ bald, you know? Balding, they say. Like a patch of dirt in a cornfield where nothin’ grows no more.

Now, I ain’t no fancy doctor or nothin’, but I’ve seen my share of heads in my time. Some folks, they keep their hair thick as a horse’s tail ’til the day they die. Others, well, their hair starts disappearin’ faster than a chicken in a fox den. It just thins out, you see, like an old worn-out shirt.
This McGregor fella, he’s a fighter, I hear. A tough one, they say. Beatin’ folks up for a livin’. But even tough fellas ain’t immune to losin’ their hair. It’s just the way things go sometimes. Nature’s way, I guess you could say.
- They say his hair was lookin’ mighty thin for a while there.
- Then, all of a sudden, it’s thick again! Like magic, almost.
- Some folks are whisperin’ ’bout him gettin’ some fancy hair work done. You know, transplants and such. Plantin’ hair like you plant seeds in the ground.
I ain’t sure what to believe, myself. Hair today, gone tomorrow, thick again the next day… it’s all a bit confusing for an old woman like me. But I’ve seen pictures, and it does seem like his hair got a whole lot better all of a sudden. Maybe he did get that hair transplant thingy. Maybe he found some special potion. Or maybe it’s just the good Lord workin’ in mysterious ways.
They talk about his hairstyles, too. Buzz cuts, undercuts, fades… all sorts of fancy names I can barely remember. Sounds like a lot of fuss over hair, if you ask me. Back in my day, men just had hair or they didn’t. No fancy cuts or nothin’. Just plain ol’ hair.
And this thing about steroids? I heard some folks sayin’ that might be why his hair was changin’. Steroids, they say, can mess with your body. Make your hair fall out, make it grow back… who knows what else they do? Seems like a dangerous game to me, messin’ with your insides like that.

Some folks are even sayin’ when he shaves his head bald, he fights better. Bald Conor, they call him. Like he turns into some kind of super-powered fightin’ machine when he ain’t got no hair. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but what do I know? I’m just an old woman who ain’t never thrown a punch in her life.
But one thing’s for sure, this McGregor fella, he keeps folks talkin’. Whether it’s his fightin’, his hair, or whatever else he’s up to, he’s always in the news. And that, I reckon, is exactly what he wants. Keepin’ his name out there, keepin’ people interested. It’s a smart move, I guess, even if I don’t understand half of it.
So, is he bald? Was he bald? Will he be bald again? I ain’t got the answers, folks. All I know is that hair or no hair, this McGregor fella seems to be doin’ alright for himself. And that’s all that really matters, ain’t it? As long as he’s happy and healthy, that’s good enough for me.
And hey, if he ever needs a good ol’ home-cooked meal and a place to rest his head, he’s welcome to come on over. I might not know much about fancy haircuts or steroids, but I can sure make a mean apple pie.
This whole hair transplant thing though, it’s somethin’ else. Seems like folks will do just about anythin’ to look young and fancy. Me, I’m happy with my wrinkles and gray hair. They tell a story, you see? A story of a life lived. And that’s somethin’ no fancy surgery or potion can ever give you.

So, whether Conor McGregor’s hair is thick or thin, real or fake, it don’t matter none to me. He’s still a fighter, and he’s still keepin’ folks entertained. And that’s enough for me, I reckon. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my chickens.
Tags: Conor McGregor, balding, hair transplant, hairstyles, steroids, bald conor, hair loss, fighter, UFC