Alright, so I’ve been seeing Conor McGregor’s name popping up everywhere, not just in the fighting world, but also because of his, shall we say, ventures into the alcohol business. I got curious, so I figured I’d do a little digging and, you know, maybe even try some of it myself. For research purposes, of course!

First, The Whiskey
First things first, I had to check out this Proper No. Twelve Irish Whiskey everyone’s talking about. I’m no whiskey connoisseur, I usually stick to beer, so this was new territory.
- Getting a Bottle: I swung by my local liquor store. Found it pretty easily, right there on the shelf. The bottle’s nothing fancy, just a green bottle with a simple label, but the “Proper No. Twelve” is hard to miss.
- First Sniff: Okay, I unscrewed the cap, took a whiff. I got, like, a sweet smell, maybe a bit of vanilla or something? Not bad, not what I expected from whiskey, honestly.
- The Taste Test: Time for the real test. I poured a little bit into a glass, no ice, just straight up. It was… smoother than I thought it would be. Not super harsh, had a bit of a warm feeling going down. I definitely tasted the sweetness, and there was a little bit of a spicy kick at the end.
- Mixed Drink Experiment: I wasn’t about to just drink the whole bottle straight. So, I figured I’d try a simple mixed drink. Whiskey and coke – classic, right? I used a can of regular coke, and made sure add some ice. The whiskey taste was still there, but it blended pretty well.
The next day, I felt fine. I’ve had worse hangovers from beer.
Then, The Stout
After my Proper 12 experience, I learned that McGregor also has a stout called Forged Irish Stout. I wasn’t really looking for it, but I wanted to give it a shot.
- Finding Some: I went back to my local liquor store to check the beer.
- Appearance: It’s dark, obviously, like a stout should be. Poured it into a glass, and it had a thick, creamy head. Looked pretty good.
- Taste Test:
I took a sip. It’s definitely got that roasted flavor, like coffee or dark chocolate. It’s pretty rich, not something I’d drink a ton of in one sitting. It wasn’t bad, just strong.
Overall, the stout was okay. I mean, I’m not expert, but the whiskey was better for my taste.

So, there you have it. My little experiment with Conor McGregor’s alcohol. It was fun to try something new, and honestly, I was pleasantly surprised. I can see why people are into it. It’s good.