Okay, so, I was digging through some old wrestling videos the other day, and I stumbled upon this classic match: Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle. I got inspired and started to watch this match.

First, I found some websites and started searching the match. Then I got a bunch of different versions, and I just picked the one that looked the best quality. I fired up the video player. I used the spacebar button to pause and play during the entire time.
I grabbed some snacks, you know, some chips and soda, because who watches wrestling without snacks? Then, I started watching. Man, those two were amazing! I was rewinding, pausing, and rewatching some parts.
My notes on the match
I even jotted down some notes, like:
- 05:32 – Benoit hits a crazy suplex.
- 12:18 – Angle with an insane Angle Slam.
- 18:45 – That submission move by Benoit, wow!
I was totally into the match, yelling at the screen like a maniac. And I was like “Oh come on ref, count faster!” or “Get up, get up!” The adrenaline was pumping, seriously. After the match was over, I just sat there for a minute, thinking about what a masterpiece I had just watched.
Then, I hopped online, browsed some wrestling forums, and saw what other people were saying about the match. It was cool to see everyone’s different opinions and favourite moments. I also wrote some reviews on some forum.
Finally, I just leaned back and thought, “Man, I need to watch more of these old matches.” This whole experience really got me back into the old-school wrestling mood. What a day!