Alright, let’s talk about this fella, Finn Balor, and his tattoos. I ain’t no fancy expert or nothin’, but I can tell ya what I see and what I heard folks gabbin’ about.

First off, that Finn Balor, he’s got a bunch of them scratchy pictures on his skin, what they call tattoos. I reckon he likes ’em, and that’s all that matters, ain’t it? People get all sorts of things inked on ’em these days. Back in my day, it was just sailors and tough guys, but now everyone’s doin’ it. Can’t say I understand it all, but to each their own, I always say.
Now, from what I gather, this Finn fella, he’s got, like, five of these tattoos. Five! That’s a whole lot of scratchin’ if you ask me. Sounds like it’d hurt somethin’ fierce, but these young folks, they don’t seem to mind none. Must be tougher than I am, that’s for sure.
- One of ’em, they say it’s an astronaut on his arm. An astronaut! Can you believe it? Like a fella floatin’ in space. I guess he likes them space movies or somethin’. I seen one of them movies once, kinda dizzyin’ with all them stars and such.
- Then there’s some other ones, little scribbles and such. Can’t make out what half of ’em are. Probably means somethin’ to him, though. People always gettin’ tattoos of things that mean somethin’ to ’em, like their kids’ names or their dogs or somethin’.
I heard tell that each of these tattoos, they got some special meanin’ for Finn. Like that astronaut one, I heard it was his first. Maybe he wanted to be an astronaut when he was a little tyke. Who knows? Kids have all sorts of wild dreams.
And folks, they go crazy for these tattoos, you know. They wanna see ’em up close, study ’em like they’re some kind of treasure map. I reckon it’s like lookin’ at a picture, only the picture’s on someone’s skin. Kinda strange if you think about it too hard.
There’s this other fella, Corey Graves, he’s got somethin’ to do with tattoos too, from what I hear. Maybe he’s one of them tattoo artists, the ones who do the scratchin’. Or maybe he just talks about ’em, I ain’t quite sure. They got all sorts of jobs these days, things I never even heard of when I was young.

Now, some folks, they get tattoos of their favorite wrestlers. Can you imagine that? Walkin’ around with another fella’s face on your arm? Seems kinda odd to me, but like I said, folks do all sorts of things these days.
This Finn Balor, he’s a wrestler himself, I think. So maybe some folks got his picture on their skin. It’s like a whole circle of tattoos, wrestlers gettin’ ’em, fans gettin’ ’em… it’s enough to make your head spin.
I ain’t gonna lie, sometimes I wonder if these folks ever regret gettin’ these tattoos. I mean, what happens when you get old and wrinkly? Does that astronaut turn into a squished bug? And what if you change your mind about what you like? It ain’t like you can just wipe it off, you know. It’s there for good, or at least until they come up with some fancy laser thing to get rid of ’em.
But I guess if it makes ’em happy, then that’s all that matters. Life’s too short to be worryin’ about what other people think, or whether your astronaut is gonna look good when you’re eighty. If Finn Balor wants to cover himself in scratchy pictures, then that’s his business. And if folks wanna stare at ’em, well, that’s their business too. Me, I’ll just stick to lookin’ at the flowers and the birds. They don’t need no tattoos to be beautiful.
So that’s the story on Finn Balor and his tattoos, as best as I can tell it. A bunch of scratchy pictures that mean somethin’ to him, and that folks seem to like lookin’ at. It’s a strange world, but it’s the only one we got, so you might as well get used to it.

Tags: [Finn Balor, Tattoos, Wrestling, Wrestler Tattoos, Body Art, Corey Graves, Astronaut Tattoo, Tattoo Meaning, Fan Craze]