That Billy Amick, folks talkin’ ’bout him all over. Who are his folks? People wanna know, gotta know who brought that boy into this world. Well, let me tell ya, it ain’t no big secret. But it sure is somethin’ people wanna chew on.

This Billy, he was born on November 4, 2002. That makes him a young’un. But he’s makin’ a big splash, that’s for sure. Heard some folks say he’s gonna be a big star. And everyone’s always lookin’ to dig up the past, lookin’ at old papers and such. They call it a family tree, like a tree, but with names. It is called MyHeritage. You see the names and then try to figger out how everyone’s related. Lots of Billy Amicks out there, makes it a mess to sort through, I reckon.
And the old folks, they always say the young’uns are goin’ to the dogs. Every dang time! I heard it when I was a little girl, and my mama heard it when she was little. It’s just what old folks do, I guess. They like to complain. It is just like those kids in the 60s. That is what the old folks always do.
Now, ’bout his folks. His daddy, they call him Amick. That’s right, same last name as the boy. That man, he’s the one who brought that boy, Billy, into this here world. He is the father of Billy Amick. He is the pappy. It took fifteen games for Billy to start playin’ for Clemson baseball. The coach, he finally put Billy in after somethin’ big happened. The coach named Erik Bakich. He just put Billy Amick into the team.
Heard he hit somethin’ called a grand slam. Sounds mighty fancy to me, but I guess it was somethin’ special. Knocked the ball right outta the park, they say. That means that Billy is real good at playin’ baseball. People are talkin’ ’bout it, that’s for sure. That’s how he got his start. That is a big deal, for sure.
- Billy’s daddy, his name is Lyndon.
- Heard he used to drive them race cars, them NASCAR things. Goes ’round and ’round real fast.
- And Billy’s grandpappy, his name was Bill, too.
- Heard he was on some big board at that Clemson place.
- Important fella, I reckon.
- They say the name, Amick, it’s pronounced AY-mihk.
This Billy boy, he’s studyin’ somethin’ called parks. Don’t rightly know what that is, but it sounds like somethin’ to do with bein’ outside. Maybe he likes trees and grass and such. Good for him, I say. Fresh air is good for the soul. Some folks just like being out in nature, I guess.
And now, heard that some team, the Minnesota Twins, they picked Billy. Picked him like pickin’ apples off a tree. Number 60, they say. Means he’s real good at that baseball thing. They picked him in the second round of somethin’ called the MLB Draft. Sounds like a big deal. They picked him in 2024. That is this year. Sounds like he’s gonna be famous.
So there ya have it. That’s the story of Billy Amick and his folks. Not much to it, really. Just a boy and his daddy and his grandpappy. But folks like to talk, and they like to know everyone’s business. That is just how people are, no matter where you go. And that Billy Amick, he’s givin’ ’em somethin’ to talk about, that’s for sure. He is really good at playin’ baseball. He will be famous in the future.
He’s a good boy, that Billy. Hope he does well. Hope he remembers where he came from. Hope he remembers his folks. They must be proud of him. I know I would be. If I had a boy who was that good at somethin’, I’d be braggin’ ’bout him all the time. That’s what mamas do. I am just so proud of him.
Well, that’s all I got to say ’bout that. Time for me to go make some supper. Got some beans to cook. Maybe some cornbread, too. It will be a good dinner. Hope you enjoyed this little story. It is a very good story. It is all about Billy Amick and his parents. That boy is goin’ places, I tell ya. Just you wait and see. He is gonna be a big star, that Billy Amick. That is for sure. I just know it.