Okay, so it’s 2016, and I’m on a mission to find the best golf driver. I started by looking up a bunch of drivers that people are saying are good. One that kept popping up was this M2 driver. People were talking about how it had some fancy new design with layers and layers of material called the “7-Layer Carbon Composite Construction Crown” or something like that.

So, I figured, why not give it a try? I went to the store and got my hands on one. It was set up with a Fujikura Pro 60 shaft, stiff flex, and a 9.5 loft. The first thing I did was to take it to the driving range to get a feel for it.
First Swings
I took a few swings, trying to get a handle on how it felt. It felt pretty good in my hands, not too heavy, not too light. I started with some easy swings, just to warm up.
Getting Serious
After I felt comfortable, I started hitting some full swings. The ball really seemed to fly off the face of this driver. I was hitting it farther than I usually do with my old driver.
Different Shots
I tried hitting some different types of shots, like draws and fades. The driver seemed to respond well, and I could shape my shots pretty easily. I also tried hitting some low, penetrating shots and some high, towering ones. Again, the driver performed well.
Overall Impression
After hitting a bucket of balls, I was really starting to like this driver. It felt good, it was forgiving, and I was hitting the ball farther and straighter than I usually do.
I took it out on the course for a few rounds to see how it would perform in a real game situation. I played at my home course and a couple of other local courses. The driver continued to impress me. I was consistently hitting it long and straight off the tee.
I decided to do a little more digging into this “multi-material construction” thing. Turns out, it’s supposed to make the driver more forgiving and give you more ball speed, which means more distance. And you know what? It seemed to be living up to the hype.
After a few weeks of testing, I decided that the M2 was definitely one of the best drivers of 2016. I even ended up buying one for myself. I’ve been using it ever since, and I’m still hitting the ball farther and straighter than I ever have before. So, if you’re in the market for a new driver, you might want to check this one out.