Okay, so I was curious about Ana Ivanovic’s children, you know, the tennis star? So I started digging around.

First, I opened up my browser. Then I typed in “Ana Ivanovic children” into the search bar and hit enter. Simple, right?
The search results popped up, and I started scrolling through.I saw some news articles, some fan pages, you know, the usual stuff.
Digging Deeper
I clicked on a couple of articles.I learned that she’s married to Bastian Schweinsteiger, the soccer player.
- They got married in 2016, that’s what, eight years ago?
- Then I found out they have three kids. All boys!
- Their names are Luka, Leon, I forget another one name.I did see many * look so lovely.
So, yeah, that’s what I found out about Ana Ivanovic’s children. Three boys, all with Bastian Schweinsteiger. That’s all I want to * closed!