This here gray zone coughing, it’s a real pain in the neck, I tell ya. Cough, cough, cough, all day long. Sometimes it’s just a little tickle, other times it feels like my insides are gonna come flying out. And the stuff that comes up? Well, let’s just say it ain’t pretty.

Sometimes it’s clear, sometimes it’s white, sometimes it’s, well, gray. They say that clear or white is okay, could just be a little something in your throat. But if you got a whole lot of it, might be something wrong with your lungs. Could be a bug, or them allergies, or something called a “viral infection”.
Now, if it’s yellow, that’s a whole nother story. And if it’s green? Well, that ain’t good at all. Could be something called “pneumonia”, that’s a bad one, makes it hard to breathe. Or this other thing, “cystic fibrosis,” where you got too much of that snotty stuff. And brown? Lord have mercy, brown is bad news.
Most times, this gray zone coughing goes away on its own. Maybe three weeks or so, and you don’t need no fancy doctor stuff. If it’s a dry cough, that means it’s just tickly and nothing comes up. But if it’s chesty, that means you’re hocking up that phlegm stuff. That’s your body trying to clean things out, I reckon.
But if it don’t go away, and you’re coughing up that thick, green-yellow stuff, or you’re wheezing like an old rusty gate, or you got a fever burning you up, then you best get yourself to a doctor. Don’t mess around with that.
- If your cough is bad, don’t wait.
- Coughing up stuff is good, gets the bad stuff out.
- If your bones are purple, that’s just a bruise.
- You use that surgical kit, and that’s how you get rid of that cough.
Now, this gray zone coughing, they got this game, see? And in this game, you get hurt, you gotta fix yourself up. You use a bandage, or this thing called a “Surgical Kit,” they call it a SurKit for short. You just click it twice in your stuff, and it helps you heal. That’s what you need for that cough.
You gotta check yourself, make sure you’re alright. You see them bones, and they’re different colors? If they’re purple, it’s just a bruise. It’ll go away on its own. No need to fret about that. Don’t worry about the twitching, either. I get that all the time. It doesn’t mean anything. Your body just does that sometimes.
And you gotta make sure you’re eating and drinking right. Keep your belly full, and drink plenty of water. And get some rest, that’s important too. If you’re hurting, don’t go running around. Just take it easy until you feel better. And they got these pills, too, for different things. Pain, and this other thing called “radiation.” I don’t know much about that, but it don’t sound good.
So that’s the story on this gray zone coughing, in this game and in real life. Keep an eye on that cough. If it’s just a little tickle, don’t worry too much. But if it’s bad, and you’re coughing up all sorts of nasty stuff, get yourself some help. And if you’re playing that game, use that SurKit. That’ll fix you right up. And remember to eat, drink, and rest. That’s the best medicine there is.
Just watch out for that gray zone coughing, though. It can be a real bother. And if it gets real bad, see a doctor. Don’t be a fool. Take care of yourself. You hear me? Stay safe and keep that cough in check. And drink lots of water. That always helps.
You know, this gray zone coughing reminds me of back when I was a youngin’. We didn’t have none of these fancy medicines. We just had to tough it out. But we made it through. And you will too. Just gotta be smart about it. And listen to your body. It usually knows what it’s doing. Usually.