Alright, let’s talk about this Drew McIntyre and CM Punk thing, you know, like them fellas wrestling on TV. I don’t know all them fancy words, but I’ll tell ya what I saw, what I heard.

Drew Mcintyre, that big fella, and CM Punk, the one with all them tattoos. They been fightin’, and not just friendly wrestlin’, I mean real fightin’.
- First time they really went at it, I think it was called SummerSlam, somethin’ like that. Big show, lots of yellin’. That’s where it all started. Them two, they just didn’t like each other, you could see it.
- They kept goin’ at it, week after week. One would beat up the other, then the other would get revenge. It was like them cats fightin’ in the barn, always somethin’ brewin’.
- People sayin’ this was the biggest fight all year. Bigger than that other fella, the one with the long hair, I can’t remember his name. But this Drew and Punk thing, it was somethin’ else.
Now, I heard tell that Drew, he makes a whole lotta money doin’ this wrestlin’. A million dollars, they say. Can you believe that? A million dollars just for pretend fightin’! I could sure use some of that, maybe fix the roof on the henhouse.
Anyways, back to them fellas. They fought, and they fought hard. Punk, he’s a tricky one, always talkin’ smack and doin’ them sneaky moves. Drew, he’s just big and strong, like a bull in a china shop. He just goes right through ya.
I tell ya, it was excitin’! Even my old man, he was watchin’, and he usually just falls asleep in his chair. But this, this was somethin’ different. It was like a real fight, even though we all knew it was part of the show.
They had this big fight, Bad Blood I think they called it. Sounded mean, didn’t it? And it was mean, them two fellas beatin’ each other up somethin’ awful. I was sittin’ there, on the edge of my seat, just waitin’ to see who would win. My heart was thumpin’ like a rabbit in a snare drum.

They punched, they kicked, they threw each other around. Punk, he got Drew down a few times, almost pinned him. Drew, he got Punk up in the air, nearly broke him in half. It was somethin’ to see, I’m tellin’ ya.
Folks were yellin’, screamin’, cheerin’. It was louder than a hog callin’ contest at the county fair. I ain’t heard nothin’ like it, not even when that storm blew through last summer and took down half the trees in the back forty.
And then, it was over. One fella pinned the other, I think it was Punk who won, but I could be wrong. It all happened so fast, like a blink of an eye. But it don’t really matter who won, cause it was the fightin’ that was the fun part. It was like watchin’ a good ol’ fashioned brawl, the kind you used to see down at the saloon on a Saturday night.
Now they say it’s all over, this fight between Drew and Punk. But I don’t know, those wrestlin’ fellas, they always find a reason to fight again. Maybe they’ll fight over a belt, or maybe just because they don’t like each other. Who knows? All I know is, I’ll be watchin’. It’s better than watchin’ the grass grow, that’s for sure.
So yeah, that’s the story of Drew McIntyre and CM Punk, as far as I can tell. Two fellas, fightin’ on TV, makin’ a whole lotta money, and entertainin’ folks like me. It ain’t highfalutin, it ain’t fancy, but it sure is somethin’ to watch on a Saturday night when you’re done with your chores and got nothin’ else to do.

And that million dollars Drew makes? Well, I still can’t get over that. Makes you wonder if I shoulda taught them chickens how to wrestle instead of just lay eggs. Maybe then I coulda fixed that roof years ago.
Anyway, that’s all I gotta say about it. Them wrestlin’ fellas, they sure are somethin’ else. And Drew and Punk, they put on a good show, that’s for sure. Maybe next time they fight, they can do it in my backyard. I’ll charge ‘em admission, maybe make a little money myself. A fella can dream, can’t he? Or in my case, an old lady can dream.