Well, howdy there! Let’s talk about this “compatriot” thing, the kinda word them city folk use in their fancy New York Times crossword puzzles. I reckon it just means someone from the same neck of the woods as you, you know, like folks from my village.

What’s a Compatriot Anyway?
Now, them smarty-pants at the New York Times, they like to make things complicated, but it ain’t rocket science. If you and me both hail from the same place, well then, we’re compatriots. Simple as that. Like, if you’re from my ol’ town, we’re compatriots. If you from across the big water, well, you ain’t. It’s about sharin’ the same dirt under your feet, the same sky over your head.
NYT Crossword and Compatriot
- Sometimes, I see my grandkids squintin’ at them crosswords. They get stuck on words like “compatriot.”
- I tell ’em, “Honey, it just means someone from your own place!”
- Seems like every now and again, the NYT throws this word in their puzzle, like on February 3rd, 2024, from what I hear.
- Folks be searchin’ online, lookin’ for the answer, and it’s always somethin’ simple. Seven letters, they say.
More Than Just a Place
Now, some folks say a compatriot can also be a friend, someone you work with. Like, them fellas I used to work the fields with, they were my compatriots in gettin’ the job done. We sweated and toiled together, side by side. We shared the same sun, same dirt, same tired backs at the end of the day. So, I guess it ain’t just about where you’re from, but who you share your struggles and your joys with, too.

Don’t Get It Twisted with “Patriot”
Some city slickers get all mixed up, thinkin’ “compatriot” is the same as “patriot.” But it ain’t the same thing, not by a long shot. See, a patriot is someone who loves their country, right? But a compatriot is just someone who’s from the same country. You can be a compatriot without bein’ a flag-wavin’ patriot, and you can be a patriot even if you ain’t got no compatriots around. One’s about where you’re from, the other’s about how you feel.
Finding Compatriots in the Big City
I hear tell that in big cities like New York, where they make them fancy crosswords, folks from all over the world end up livin’ cheek to jowl. They got Russians and Chinamen and all sorts livin’ there. I reckon those folks search out their compatriots, people who speak their language, eat the same kinda food, remember the same songs from back home. It’s natural, I guess, to want to be around folks who understand where you come from.
Compatriots in the News and Opinions

Sometimes you see this word “compatriot” in the news, too. They might talk about how some fella went overseas and met up with his compatriots. Or maybe they’ll write about how a bunch of compatriots got together to protest somethin’ or other. The New York Times, they use this kind of words. They got opinions and investigations and all that. I reckon them reporters are writin’ about folks they consider compatriots, even if they don’t all come from the same small town. They might see themselves as compatriots in the pursuit of truth or somethin’ fancy like that. They also publish those crossword puzzle things. I tell you, them city folk, they sure do like makin’ things complicated.
Helping Folks Find Their Compatriot Answers
And that brings us back to them crosswords. See, folks get stuck on that word, and they go lookin’ for answers online. They need help, just like my grandkids sometimes do. They want the definition of compatriot. They want to find the answer, and the websites they use, they always give the accurate and up to date answers. They have the answers and the solution. They know that “compatriot” is just a fancy way of sayin’ someone from the same place as you. And that, my friends, is all there is to it.
So, next time you see that word “compatriot”
Just remember, it ain’t nothin’ to be scared of. It just means someone from your own neck of the woods, someone who shares a bit of your history, someone you can maybe swap stories with about the good ol’ days. Or maybe it’s just a seven-letter word in a crossword puzzle, but even then, it’s still about connectin’ with somethin’ familiar, somethin’ that feels like home. And that’s somethin’ we all need, whether we’re workin’ the fields or solvin’ crosswords in the big city.

Keywords: compatriot, NYT Crossword, Crossword clue, Compatriot answer, compatriot meaning, The New York Times, February 3 2024, clue, crossword puzzle, solve.