Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this here Wanamaker Trophy replica thing. I ain’t no fancy pants golfer, ya know? But I hear tell about this here trophy, and it sounds like a pretty big deal.

They say it’s a whopper, this trophy. Almost two and a half feet tall, they say. And heavy too! Heavier than a sack of taters, I bet. Twenty-seven pounds, can ya believe it? Must take some strong arms to hold that thing up. This ain’t no little dinky prize, that’s for sure. It’s the one they give to the fella who wins the PGA Championship, whatever that is. Sounds important though.
Now, the real Wanamaker Trophy, that’s somethin’ special. Been around since 1916, I reckon. A fella named Jim Barnes, he got his name on it first. And then there’s this other fella, Walter Hagen, he won it a whole bunch of times, they say. Them fellas must’ve been good at hittin’ that little white ball.
- A fella named Rodman Wanamaker, he’s the one who started this whole thing. Rich fella, I guess. Owned a big store or somethin’. He gave the money for the prize and the trophy too. Sounds like a generous fella. Donated the first big one and even a smaller one for the winner to keep each year. Now they give out a big check too, millions of dollars they say! Enough to buy a whole lot of taters, that’s for sure.
- And speaking of keepin’, the winner, he don’t get to keep the real big trophy. Nope. He gets a replica. A copy, ya know? Like the picture on the wall ain’t the real thing, it’s just a picture of it. I guess they don’t want nobody runnin’ off with that big ol’ trophy. Probably worth a pretty penny, I reckon.
I saw some folks talkin’ about sellin’ these replica trophies online. On somethin’ called eBay, I think they said. They got all sorts of things on there, ya know? From soup to nuts, as they say. And these replica trophies, they ain’t cheap neither. Some folks collect ‘em, I guess. Like stamps or coins or whatever. People collect all sorts of strange things, if ya ask me.
Some of these replicas, they’re small, only ’bout 20 centimeters. That ain’t very big at all. But they’re still pretty, I guess. Made of gold, they say. And shiny. I bet they sparkle real nice in the sun. Some folks like sparkly things. Me? I like a good garden and a warm cup of coffee, that’s all I need.
Now, the real Wanamaker Trophy, that’s the one they give out every year. The winner, he gets his name on it. And then they put it in a special place, I reckon. A museum or somethin’. So everyone can see it and admire it. It’s a thing of beauty, they say. A symbol of winnin’ and bein’ the best.

And that fella who won this year, he got one of them replicas. And a whole lot of money, too. Millions of dollars, they said. Can ya imagine? What would a fella do with all that money? Buy a whole bunch of fancy golf clubs, I guess. And maybe a big ol’ hat to keep the sun outta his eyes.
I tell ya, this whole golf thing, it’s a bit of a mystery to me. Chasin’ that little white ball all over the place. But if it makes folks happy, and it gives ’em a chance to win a Wanamaker Trophy replica, then I guess it’s alright. To each their own, I always say. And that’s all I got to say ‘bout it.
So there you have it, my take on this wanamaker trophy replica thing. It’s big, it’s heavy, it’s shiny, and it’s worth a whole lot of money. And even though the winner don’t get to keep the real big one, he gets a copy. So he can show it off to all his friends and family. And that’s somethin’ to be proud of, I reckon.
PGA Championship, they call it. Sounds like a fancy to-do. Folks dress up real nice, I bet. Not like me in my overalls and boots. But I’m just as happy as they are, I reckon. Maybe even happier. ‘Cause I don’t gotta worry about hittin’ that little white ball into a hole. I got taters to grow and chickens to feed. And that’s enough for me.
This Wanamaker Trophy, it’s a history thing too. Been around a long time, they say. And lots of famous fellas have won it. So it’s more than just a shiny prize. It’s a story, a legacy. And that’s somethin’ special, I reckon. Even if it is just a replica.