Alright, let’s talk about this Aaron Boone fella and his young’uns. Folks keep jabberin’ about him, so I figured I’d put my two cents in, you know, the way I see it.

Aaron Boone, yeah, the baseball man. He’s got himself a whole bunch of kids, last I heard. Now, don’t go quotin’ me on the exact number, but it’s a good few. Some his own, some he took in, makes no difference to me. A kid’s a kid, right?
His daddy, Bob Boone, he was a baseball man too. And get this, Bob’s daddy, Ray Boone, he also played ball! Imagine that, three generations swingin’ bats and catchin’ balls. Must be somethin’ in the blood, like my grandma used to say ’bout her prize-winning tomatoes. Some families just got it, I guess.
Aaron, he moved around a bit. Lived out in Arizona, then up to Connecticut when he started bossin’ them Yankees around. Greenwich, they call it. Fancy place, I reckon. Not like my ol’ farmhouse, that’s for sure. But a man’s gotta go where the work is, right? Same as my Harold did when he went off to the city to find a job at the factory.
- So, Aaron, he’s got this wife, Laura. Nice lady, I bet.
- And they got this boy, Brandon Aaron. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it?
- Like I said, they got a few other young’uns too, but their names ain’t stickin’ in my ol’ brain.
This Aaron, he was a sporty fella growin’ up. Played all sorts of games – baseball, basketball, even that football thing where they knock each other around. But baseball, that’s where he shined. Got drafted by the Angels way back when, but decided to go to college instead. University of Southern California, fancy place. My nephew Billy went to community college, learned to fix cars. Different strokes for different folks, I always say.
Now, Aaron’s family, they’re all about baseball. It’s like their whole life revolves around it. Reminds me of the Johnson family down the road, always talkin’ about their prize-winning cows. Baseball, baseball, baseball. That’s all you hear about with them Boones. But hey, if it makes ’em happy, who am I to judge?

Folks say Aaron’s a good manager, knows his stuff. Keeps them Yankees in line, I guess. Managing a bunch of grown men playin’ a game, sounds like a handful to me. I could barely manage my chickens, always squawkin’ and runnin’ every which way. But Aaron, he seems to handle it alright.
He’s got this support system, you know, his family. His daddy, his brothers, his wife, his kids. They’re all there for him, cheerin’ him on. That’s important, havin’ folks in your corner. Like when my Harold was sick, the whole town came together to help us out. That’s what community is all about, ain’t it?
So, there you have it. Aaron Boone, his family, and a whole lotta baseball. It’s a story as American as apple pie, as they say. Or maybe as American as a good ol’ country fair, with blue ribbon pies and squealin’ pigs. Either way, it’s somethin’ to talk about, somethin’ to keep us entertained. And that’s about all I got to say about that. This young man, he’s doing alright by himself. God bless him and his young’uns.
Tags: [Aaron Boone, Family, Baseball, Yankees, MLB, Bob Boone, Children, Manager, Sports, History]