Alright, so you wanna know about this Teoscar Hernandez fella and his woman, huh? Okay, okay, I’ll tell ya what I know. Now, I ain’t no fancy sports writer or nothin’, just a plain ol’ person, so don’t expect no big words or complicated stuff.

First things first, this Teoscar guy, he plays baseball, you know, that game with the bats and the balls. He’s a pretty good player, I hear. Folks are always yellin’ his name on the TV. Seems important.
Now, about his girl… Her name is Jennifer Hernandez. Yep, they got the same last name, so I guess they’re hitched, you know, married. They got married on July 12th, not sure which year though, time flies by so fast these days. Someone said it was 2019 though. They had a big shindig, I bet, with lots of food and music. Probably a real nice party.
Jennifer, she ain’t no baseball player herself, far as I know. She’s just a regular woman, like me and you. But she’s famous ’cause she’s married to this Teoscar fella. That’s how it goes sometimes, you know. You marry a big shot, and you become a big shot too, kinda.
These two, Teoscar and Jennifer, they seem real happy together. At least that’s what they show on them picture things, you know, the Instagrams and such. Always smilin’ and huggin’. It’s nice to see, ain’t it? Makes you think maybe love ain’t just for the young folks.
And get this, they got kids! Three little boys, I heard. Three! That’s a handful, let me tell ya. Imagine all the noise and the mess. But kids are a blessin’, they say, even when they’re drivin’ you crazy. One of them youngins is named Julian, if I remember right.

- Teoscar plays baseball
- Jennifer is his wife
- They got married on July 12
- They have three sons
Teoscar, he seems like a good fella, always talkin’ nice about his wife and his family. He wants to stay with the Dodgers baseball team for a long time, so he can keep playin’ ball and supportin’ his family. He says he wants to be with them forever and always, that Jennifer is his rock, or some such sweet talk. He’s from the Dominican Republic, that’s a faraway place, across the ocean I think. Born in 1992, so he’s still a young whippersnapper. About 32 years old now, or thereabouts.
Jennifer, well, I don’t know much about her personally, you know. She’s just his wife, the mother of his kids. She probably takes care of the house, cooks the meals, does all the things wives do. It’s a hard job, bein’ a wife and a momma, but someone’s gotta do it. She takes real good care of those babies and keeps Teoscar in line, I reckon.
So, that’s the story, as far as I know it. Teoscar Hernandez, baseball player, married to Jennifer Hernandez, got three kids, livin’ the good life, seems like. They got plans for the future, just like everyone else. Wantin’ to be happy and healthy and together, that’s all anyone really wants, ain’t it?
They seem real committed to each other, you know? Like they’re in it for the long haul. That’s what matters, I figure. Not all the fame and the money, but the love and the family. That’s the real treasure, right there.
So there you have it. Nothin’ fancy, just the plain truth, as best as I can tell ya. Teoscar and Jennifer Hernandez, a baseball player and his wife. A love story, just like any other, but with a little bit of baseball thrown in. Hope that satisfied your curiosity, and if not, well, you’ll just have to find someone else to pester!
Tags: [Teoscar Hernandez, Jennifer Hernandez, Wife, Family, Baseball, Dodgers, Marriage, Children, Julian Hernandez]