Okay, so I wanted to figure out if the RBC Heritage golf tournament has a cut. You know, like, where they trim the field down after a couple of rounds. I’ve been watching more golf lately, and I’m still getting the hang of all the rules and stuff.

Digging Around
First, I just did a simple search. Typed in “RBC Heritage cut rules” and hoped for the best. I saw a few results, but nothing that jumped out and screamed “HERE’S YOUR ANSWER!” So, I had to do a little more digging.
I went through several websites, and I finally, I started to piece things together.
What I Found
- Yup, there’s a cut! I knew it! It wouldn’t make sense to have everyone play all four rounds, that’d be crazy long.
- Top 65 and ties. That seems to be the magic number. The 65 best scores, plus anyone tied for 65th place, get to stick around for the weekend rounds. Everyone else? They’re done.
So basically, if you’re not playing well after the first two days, you’re packing your bags. Makes sense. Keeps things competitive, and I guess it makes the weekend broadcasts a little tighter.
I’m still learning about this, but this is the main idea that i am understanding.