Okay, so I was scrolling through my usual entertainment news, and I came across this thing about Julianna Zobrist and Byron Yawn. I’m like, “Wait, are they still together?” I remembered all that drama a while back, so I decided to dig in a little. I mean, who doesn’t love a good story, right?

First, I grabbed my laptop and opened up my browser. Typed in “Julianna Zobrist and Byron Yawn” in the search bar and hit enter. A bunch of articles popped up, mostly about their past stuff, the lawsuit, and all that. But I wanted to know what’s happening now.
So, I started clicking on a few of the articles. One of them mentioned that Julianna’s attorney confirmed they were still a couple as of last summer. Like, that’s not that long ago! I kept digging, and it looked like they’ve been together for a couple of years now. They apparently consider themselves a couple, which, you know, good for them if they’re happy.
Digging Deeper
I found some court documents that stated they started their relationship back in 2018. Man, time flies. It’s all kind of messy with the whole legal separation and divorce stuff with Julianna’s ex, Ben Zobrist. Speaking of Ben, I also checked what he’s been up to.
He’s a former baseball player, by the way. Turns out, he and Julianna got married in 2005 and have three kids together. Seems like they split up around May 2019, and it got pretty public. Now he lives in Tennessee.
Wrapping it up
Ben said he was retired from baseball in 2019. In an interview, he mentioned that he enjoys spending time with his children. He does not miss the grind of baseball. He also said he wants to get back into baseball, but not as a coach.
It’s all a bit of a whirlwind, to be honest. But from what I gathered, yeah, Julianna Zobrist and Byron Yawn are still together, at least as of the last update I could find. They seem to be going strong, even with all the past drama. It’s their life, and if they’re happy, that’s all that matters, right? I think I’ll keep an eye on this story, just out of curiosity. You never know what might happen next!