Okay, so, let’s talk about this Clubhouse thing I messed around with. I heard some buzz about it being like a conference, but totally online and covering, like, a million different topics, so I figured I’d give it a shot.

First off, getting in was a bit of a pain, it’s like you need a kind of invitation, but I managed to get one from a friend. Once I was in, I had to set up my profile. I just put up a basic picture and a quick “about me” thing. Nothing too fancy. I wanted to see what kinds of conversations were happening, so I started browsing through the “rooms,” which is what they call the different discussion groups.
I saw rooms on everything from business tips to people just chatting about their favorite movies. I jumped into a room about starting your own online business, just to see what it was all about. There were a few people talking on the “stage”—they were the main speakers—and a bunch of us just listening in. It was kind of like a live podcast, but with way more variety. People were sharing their experiences, giving advice, and asking questions. It wasn’t super polished, more like a casual chat between folks who knew their stuff.
After that, I explored a few other rooms. Some were kind of boring, honestly, but some were pretty interesting. There was one where people were discussing the latest news, and another where people were talking about their hobbies. It was kind of cool to just hop around and see what people were up to.
The way it works is, if you want to say something, you can “raise your hand,” and if the moderators let you, you can join the stage and talk. I didn’t really feel like talking much, but I did ask a couple of questions in the online business room by raising my hand. The speakers were pretty cool about answering, and it was nice to get some direct feedback.
I spent a few hours just poking around, seeing what was out there. I followed a few people who seemed interesting, so I can see when they’re talking in the future. The app also suggests rooms and people you might like, based on what you’ve listened to, which is kind of neat.

I think Clubhouse could be interesting, I guess. I can see it being a good way to learn new things, hear different perspectives, and maybe even connect with people who have similar interests. Not sure if it’s something I’ll use every day, but I might check in from time to time to see what’s going on. It’s a bit like channel surfing on the radio, but for conversations instead of music. It’s definitely a different experience. It is not bad.
- Pros: easy to learn, easy to listen, and easy to join.
- Cons: sometimes boring, need an invitation, and not for everyone.
If you have an invitation, you can try it.