Alright, so, I’ve been messing around with this javelin throwing thing, trying to get better at it. It’s way harder than it looks! I started by watching some videos online, just trying to get a feel for the motion. These Olympic guys make it look so easy, right?

So first, I found an old broomstick and started practicing the basic throwing motion in my backyard. I probably looked like an idiot, but hey, gotta start somewhere. I focused on getting that over-the-shoulder movement down, and trying to keep my arm straight as I “threw”. Did this a bunch of times until my arm was sore.
- Practicing the basic movement with a broomstick, check.
Then, I decided to step it up a bit. I got a real javelin, a cheap one, but still. The first few times I actually threw it, it was a disaster. I tried to incorporate the techniques from the videos. The javelin just kind of wobbled and landed a few feet away. Seriously, it was embarrassing. I realized I was probably overdoing it with the body rotation – the videos talk about “bailing”, where you rotate too much and mess up the throw. Gotta work on that.
- First real throws – not great.
- Need to fix that over-rotation thing.
I also started doing some exercises to build up the right muscles. I remembered reading somewhere that Olympic lifts are good for javelin throwers. I don’t have weights, so I just did a bunch of push-ups, and some other exercises that work the shoulders, triceps, and back. I found out that doing pull-ups on a tree branch is actually pretty tough! But I kept at it, and I think I’m getting a bit stronger.
- Started doing push-ups and pull-ups.
- Feeling a little stronger each day.
I’m still not great, but I can definitely throw the javelin further now. It’s still wobbly sometimes, but it’s going in the right direction. The key is to keep practicing and not get discouraged. My plan is to keep at it, focus on not over-rotating, and maybe try out some more targeted exercises. Wish me luck!
- Javelin is going further, that’s a win.
- Keep practicing and stay positive.
I’m no expert, but that’s my javelin journey so far. It’s all about putting in the work and learning as you go. Hopefully, sharing my clumsy attempts will help someone else out there. Just remember, even if you’re throwing like a newborn giraffe at first, you can get better. Keep chucking that spear!