Today, I ran into a bit of a headache with Fallout 4. See, I’ve been hyped about this Fallout: London mod, but it turns out it’s a bit picky about which version of Fallout 4 you’re running. It needs the older version, not this fancy new “next-gen” update that just dropped.
So, first things first, I had to figure out how to downgrade my game. I did some digging around, and apparently, there’s this thing called the “Fallout London Downgrader.” Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! It wasn’t working for me.
After pulling my hair out for a bit, I stumbled upon a way to do it manually. It’s a bit more involved, but it got the job done. I don’t want to use any tools, so I decided to try and do it manually. Here’s how I tackled it:
- Backup: First, I made a copy of my entire Fallout 4 directory. Better safe than sorry, you know? I renamed this copy to “Fallout London” just to keep things organized.
- Steam Console: This was the tricky part. I had to open up the Steam console. I never even knew this thing existed! You can do it by going to Steam-Run. You’ll need to know the app ID, the depot ID, and the manifest ID for the older version of the game. It was a bit of a pain to find these, but I found some guides online that helped me out. I found the version is what I needed.
- Downloading: Once I had all the IDs, I entered a command into the Steam console to download the older version of the game files. Then I waited. And waited. It took a while.
- Replacing: After the download finally finished, I went into the Steam content folder where the files were downloaded. Then I copied all those files and pasted them into my “Fallout London” folder, replacing all the existing files.
Finally Got There!
And that’s it! I booted up the game from the “Fallout London” folder, and it worked! It was running the older version of Fallout 4, which means I’m finally ready to dive into Fallout: London. It was a bit of a journey, but hey, totally worth it. If anyone else is having trouble with the downgrader, give this manual method a try. It’s a bit clunky, but it gets the job done! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a post-apocalyptic London to explore!