Hey everyone, so today I want to talk about something that’s been bugging me for a while now: What’s the smallest city with an NFL team? I mean, we’ve all got our favorite teams, but have you ever stopped to think about where they actually play?

So, I started digging around. I spent hours on this, seriously. First, I went through a list of all the NFL teams and their cities. I made a whole spreadsheet and everything, It’s a mess. Then came the hard part – figuring out the populations of these cities. I used some websites, and let me tell you, those numbers are all over the place!
After a ton of searching and comparing, I finally found my answer. Drumroll, please… it’s Green Bay, Wisconsin! This place is tiny compared to other NFL cities. I read somewhere that Green Bay is ranked like 139th in population in the whole US. Can you believe that?
But here’s the thing that really got me: the Green Bay Packers are a huge deal, right? They’ve been around since 1919 and this guy named Earl “Curly” Lambeau started the team with some help from the Indian Packing Company. It’s an industrial city with several meat packing and paper plants. And their stadium, Lambeau Field, is famous! So, how does such a small town have such a big-time team?
I found this article, and it said that Green Bay is the smallest “metropolitan area” to have a team. It made me think, maybe it’s not just about the size of the city, but also about the area around it. Like, maybe people from nearby towns all come together to support the Packers?
And then I found this other thing about the smallest stadium in the NFL, Soldier Field in Chicago. It just made me more confused! Does stadium size matter? Is it about city size or the whole area? Or is it something else entirely, like the team’s history or the passion of the fans?

Here’s what I’ve learned from this whole adventure:
- Green Bay is the smallest city with an NFL team. At least, that’s what I found, but maybe someone else has different info.
- Population numbers can be tricky. Different sources say different things.
- It’s not just about the city itself. Maybe the surrounding area plays a big role too.
- Fans are the key. No matter how small the city, passionate fans can make a team huge.
So, what do you guys think? Does city size matter when it comes to having an NFL team? Let me know in the comments, I’d love to hear your thoughts!