That US Open, you know, that big tennis thing in the city. Lots of folks talking ’bout it. That commentators us open, they got a lot to say, them commentators. I heard some names, like that Nick something, he’s one of ’em. Playing tennis, talking ’bout tennis, what all they doing there, huh? They got a lot of fancy words for it, these commentators. And some fella named Chris, too. He was on the microphone. I don’t have a TV to watch, only listen to the radio sometimes, but I know something important is happening.

These folks, they talk and talk, all day long. ‘Bout this player and that player. Who’s good, who’s not so good. Who’s winning, who’s losing. They make a big fuss, don’t they? You know, commentators got their own way. They make their living by talking. That’s a good job, huh? I don’t think I can do that, but they are good at it.
They say these commentators, they been doing this for years. Like, a whole bunch of years. They know all about that tennis. All the rules, all the players. These US Open commentators really like to talk. They talk a lot, and they make it interesting, I guess. People like to listen to them. I wonder how they can do that, to talk all the time. I like to listen sometimes, too. But I’m not sure I understand all the things they say. Maybe you need to be young to understand.
And they got some other names too. Some man named Dan, sounds like a good name. Terry, another good one. These commentators, they got regular names, but they sure do know a lot about that tennis. Steve, that’s another one. Plain names for important people. I just know that there are a lot of people talking about the game.
- Dan, that’s a name I heard.
- Terry, that’s another one.
- And Steve, he’s in there too.
And some other fellas, Paul and Brad. Fancy last names too. They all talk about that US Open, day in and day out. It’s a big deal, I reckon. They all got their own way of talking, these commentators. They talk about the game, and I think they get paid well. They must be rich, huh?
That Nick fella, he likes to stir things up, they say. Gets people talking. That’s what they do, these commentators. They talk and they get all those folks watching to talk too. They talk about who is good, who is bad, who is winning, who is losing.

They got a whole bunch of them, these commentators. Almost 20, maybe. That’s a lot of talking! They all gather there, at that US Open, and they just talk and talk. Must be fun, I suppose. Talking is fun, and they are talking about games. That’s a good job.
And there’s a lady too, I think. Chrissie, they call her. And some other lady, Pam. They got all kinds of folks talking ’bout that tennis. They know the rules, they know the score, they know who is winning, who is losing.
These US Open commentators, they’re important folks, I guess. They tell everyone what’s going on. They make it exciting. They make it sound like a real big deal, that US Open. And they are there all the time. They are there every time when the game is on.
I don’t know much about tennis. But I hear these commentators, and they make it sound like something special. They really know their stuff, these folks. They know a lot, and they are good at talking. That’s why they are commentators, I think.
You know, I reckon, if you want to know what’s happening at that US Open, you just gotta listen to those commentators. They’ll tell you everything. They will tell you about the players, they will tell you about the rules. They’ll tell you who’s winning and who’s losing. That’s their job, ain’t it? They tell everything.
They got a lot to say, those commentators. All day long, they just talk and talk. And people listen. They talk about every move. I don’t think there is anything they don’t talk about. I bet they even know what the players had for breakfast.
That US Open, it must be a real big deal. All those people, all that talking. And those commentators, they’re right in the middle of it all. They are there all the time. They are like the center of it all. They see it all, they say it all. That’s what they do.